50 ~ Dating

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Hello my dear reader's, Thank you so much for your support I got 60 followers. And this is my 50th chapter I am so happy that I am releasing my 50th chapter on my birthday.

 And this is my 50th chapter I am so happy that I am releasing my 50th chapter on my birthday

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Today's my best gift is my favourite TATA pillow, my mom gifted to me. 😘💜🎂

Once again thanks for your comments and votes. It gives me so much energy to keep writing my story. ✌💜🤗 I Purple You~




Tae sleeping well without any disturbance, yes he does not know that his eomma was off the alarm when he put his babe to sleep with a night hug.

"Babe, come on wake up" jin enters the room.

Tae searching someone by his hands with closed eyes.

"Babe" jin give him as usual morning hug.

"Eomma, where is my gukkie?" tae asked with sleeping deep voice.

"I dunno babe, maybe on the?!"

Tae sighed with a sad pout.

"Don't worry babe, today he will ask you out for the date" jin kissed on his babe's forehead.

"Hmmm" tae just hummed as a response.

"You can proceed your cake project now" tae immediately took his phone "I already off that alarm babe" "How did you find.." "I am your eomma, don't forget that. Now go and take shower" jin raffled on his hair, tae fakely growled and went to the bathroom.

After bath tae dressed, yesterday what jimin selected for tae's date. He did some makeups for the date.


Enough! Tae heart stopped for a few seconds then running with the highest speed like going to explore.

"Gukkieee" he runs to him guk ready to catch him. Tae hugged him with a little jump by holding guk's neck.

"I missed you lolita" guk smelling his neck deeply and kissed on it.

"I missed you too gukkie" tae tighten his grip on guk's neck and waist part, yes tae crossed his legs on guk's waist.

"I love you lolita"

"I hate you" tae bites guk's neck.

"Okay okay I got it, I am sorry. I won't cross our agreement next time"

"Pinky promise?" tae extends his little finger towards guk "Pinky promise" guk promised, sealed, copied. Guk hugged him one more time, before put him down.

"Lolita, why are you dressing like this? You don't have college today?"

"Lolita, why are you dressing like this? You don't have college today?"

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