54 ~ Just One Second

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(First of all, I thank you all, when I was starting to write this story from tannie point of view I don't have any idea that you all will like and enjoy his view too, once again thanks for your support, let's go to the story...)

~Sin 💜


Tannie P.O.V:

It's been two days, I miss him so much 'Eomma where are you?' I was sat on his bed while sniffing his smell again and again.

"Tannah, come it's your dinner time, eat quickly then we can go for a walk" halmeoni enters the room holding my dinner in his hands, I am not in the mood to eat anything 'I want to see my eomma, now' "awv awv".

"You are proving that you are Kim Taehyung's son, see" halmeoni pointing at my beautiful works on the floor. Sighed and starts to clean my artworks.

I did not say anything and runs to under the blanket to hide myself.

Suddenly my eomma's & appa's scent hitting my nose. This time also my imagination or what? 'sniff, sniff' strong it's getting strong I came out from the blanket. I think they're really here.

"Tannahhhhhhhh, my son"

'Eommaaaaaaaa' "awv awv awv" I am jumping up and down on the bed as to pick me eomma and eomma did. 'I missed to so much eomma' "awv awv" "I missed you so much tannah" we said at the same time, I licks and kissed on his full face to show that how much was I missed him. He giggled "Hahaha tan it's tickle me" held up me from some distance.

"Tannahhh, come to appa"

'Appaaa' "awv awv" I jumped from eomma to appa and did the same thing, but appa did not stop me like eomma he let me do whatever I want on his face and I did gladly.

Jin P.O.V:

Once I cleaned tan's mess I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. I heard some noise outside I think tae has come. When I come out I am seeing a perfect family.


"Eommaaa" he runs to me and hugged each other.

"How was your first date babe?" I take his chin to looks me up.

"That was my one of the best memorable day eomma, I love it" he said happily I smiled and chu on his head.

"I let you know guys when the dinner is ready, until take some rest" in the middle of the way "And you jeongguk, we need to talk after the dinner"

"Got it eomeonim" he bowed at me and pleaded in his eyes to forgive him without tae notice.

"Then this is the last time, got it?" I warned him in a low voice only he can hear me, he nodded fastly with a smile on his face. I shook my head as 'tsk tsk' even tho I feel happy that he loves my son this much.

Tae P.O.V:

I am still angry about what my gukkie said, but I can't lie to my eomma I really enjoyed my date that was the best day in my life. I am loving this IDIOT so so so much, but when he brings his business matter into my love I lost myself in anger.


I just dropped my bag and takes my tannie from him before we go to the bed I grabs tannie's food and crawled on the bed.

"Tan you looks so thin, you didn't eat properly ah?" "awv awv" asking him while putting his food on his bowl.


"You should finish this bowl today, okay?" "awv awv"


"Good boy" I ruffled on his head, before feeding him.

"I said sorry more than 100 times"

"I didn't ask you from the start" I said without taking my eyes on eating tan.

I can feel his long sigh, he sat on my right side and tried to touch my cheeks but I slapped his hands immediately.

"Tae you are taking every small matter like a big issue" he yelled at me.

I didn't say anything lowering my head and biting my inner lips to control my tear.

"If this is what you want, then I am leaving tae" he gets up, before I hold his hands he rushed out left me with my tears.

**time skip @ JinHit University**

"Babe, are you sure you okay?" eomma asked me nth time.

I nodded with a smile "Yes, eomma don't worry about me".

"I will talk to him.." I cuts him "No eomma, please. You already promised me" I literally begged to my eomma.

"Okay okay, take care babe" he chu on my head before I am going in "Bye eomma" I chu on his cheeks and waved my hands.

At first, my eyes searching for the particular person in the cafeteria, who I really need now.

"Taetae, I am here" I turns to the direction where my jiminie hyung voice coming.

I walk towards him dropped my bag on the table and sat across him.

"Hey hyung, how went on your valentine's day?" even tho I am in a sad mood, I don't want to put him in the same mood. So, I asked him about his valentine's day, apart from all I am curious about my hyung's celebration.

"Leave that tae, Why you looks so dull? What happened?" hyung asked me with a worried face.

I smiled at him to take this situation lightly "Nothing hyung, I am happ.." he cuts me "Don't lie to me tae, I can clearly say that you are not FINE. Is this jeongguk right? What he did this time?" I bites my inner lips to control my tears, just single name, single name how could it make me this weakly.

Hyung gets up from his seat comes sat beside me and hugs me "Shhhhhhh, everything gonna be okay" rubbing on my back, we stayed like this for minutes. Once I get to feel okay, I taps on his shoulder "I am fine hyung".

"You ready to share?"

I nodded and told him from the first day to yesterday night. He listening to me very sincerely.

"At that time I was mad at him hyung, that's why I have behaved like that. Even I did not do any mistake but I am the one suffering like this. When he said that he is going to leave me, I was about to stop him hyung, but he rushed out before I hold him, just one-second hyung, did he can't wait one second for me?" I yelled and cried hardly, I know everyone staring us but I don't care now.

"Shhhhh tae, slow slow"

"He did not even come today morning like always he does. What I did to him hyung that he treating me like this?"

"Shhhhh tae, you did nothing wrong trust me"

"Even I gave my chocolates.." hyung cuts me "How? From your mouth to him and unwillingly ah?" he said with chuckles, I blushed suddenly "Hyung" I hitting on his shoulder lightly "And the most important thing is you stole his gift which is gifted by you, from when did start to stole tae? Are you a thief?" "Hyung" I whined to stop teasing me.

"Aigoooo, my cute little taetae starts to steal chocos at the end his heart stolen by Jeon Jeongguk" he pinching on my cheeks which are fully turned to red color "Hyung, please stop it" "Look at your face, full of red like a tomato. I wanna bite you" I yanked back to save my beautiful face from sudden change hyung, he giggled.

"Now tell me about yours hyung, what did that grandpa to surprise you hyung?" I asked with excitement.

"He bought me a camera, he knows that I likes to take a picture from polaroid camera. So, he bought it for me and we hang out then restaurant like always does on valentine's day. Hmmm yes, it was nice like always".

"Awwwwww you are so lucky hyung" I hugged him, he smiled lightly.

Jimin P.O.V:

'No tae, you are the one so lucky here. I can understand Jeongguk feeling why he wants to marry you soon. He can't live without you and wants you always beside him, like what I wants from my yoongi. The one and only difference is he wants a family from you as soon as possible, but my yoongi!!!!!!

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