94 ~ Kiss and Make Up

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After hot make out session, guk controlled his feelings and let him go. Even he wanted him badly, he won't do anything against tae feelings. Tae feelings are more important to him. And it reflects on tae's face as a relief when guk stopped before things get out of hand. After playing a little more time guk took him to the little private campfire area where he prepared everything for their small dinner. Tae enjoying his first marriage date with snowfall happily. He loves to watch his husband’s hot cooking style. He can feel something missing on guk face. From that hot makeout session guk avoiding being over clingy. He gets up and went to him.

"Gukkie” stands beside him.

“Hmmm?” just hummed as focusing on the food.

“Do you want any help in cooking?”

“Cooking?!” guk chuckles and turns towards him, tae cutely nods, guk cups his that bread cheeks “I like your help of just staring at me like I’m your meal, if you continue that I would be glad, lolita” tae face turned into tomato red, he thoughts guk doesn’t noticed it, guk smirks at his lolita’s expression.

“I.. I’m asking seriously”

“I.. I’m too saying seriously” guk imitates him.

Tae pouts and pushed him away “I am gonna cook for us” tae turns guk instantly grabs him by the waist “Nooo.. I don’t want to spoil our date” says while back hugging him refuse to let him go.

“Are you disgracing my cooking?” asks in his puppy anger while struggling to free from that tight grips

“Ohhh was that considered as cooking?” guk asks without thinking.

“What?! Are you judging me..” guk cuts him “Not you lolita, I’m sorry for what I said, please don’t end this in our usual fight..” “Who started it me? You idiot.. You are the one started it, now you’re blaming me?! Wow!” guk pushed him front side from back “Yah, what are you doing?” “You asked me if I want help right? Now I need your help, help me” guk said and takes his hand with him “I.. I asked in cooking” guk leans towards tae’s reded ear and whispers “I too asked your help for cooking but what you’re thinking lolita?” chu on his earlobe to make tae’s body in sudden tremble “I.. I didn’t think anything” tae voice shudders when he feels the guk’s hot wet tongue roaming on his ear, guk tightens his grip around tae’s waist “You’re tempting me lolita, I can’t control myself, I wanna eat you” guk’s husky voice brings tae to the earth immediately separates himself from him with a little force “Cook yourselves, I.. I will wait there" quickly moved away from that place, guk sighs with a small smile and continues his cook.

After dinner they spend their time with a sweet talk. Both of them sitting on each others warm embrace. Tae resting his head on guk’s shoulder, guk holding him by his tiny waist. Guk was so happy to meet his lolita back with their beautiful old memories of love. Tae confessed and apologized to hide it from him, guk accepted it.

“Gukkie” calls him softly, while staring at the fire.

“Hmmm” guk hums with a smile, his gaze also staring at the fire.

“When you we go back there?” asks slowly.


“Our private home”

Guk let out a small sigh “Soon”

Tae gets and sit straighten up “When?” asks with his bright smile.

“Why do you want to go there, lolita? Is there any particular reason or you are hating to stay..” tae cuts him “No.. no.. It’s not like that. I like this house, I like to stay with mom and dad, that was not a reason. I.. I.. just..” tae struggling his words, guk waits for him to complete “Please gukkie I.. I can’t tell you when you take me there I will show you” tae murmurs the last sentence as hung his head in shy “I need time lolita, when we go there again I don’t want to disappoint you so I will let you know soon” tae face changed into sad pout “Ohhhwww don’t be sad, lolita. I will arrange in two weeks okay?” trying to change his lolita’s mood, which is failed again “Two weeks?” guk nods “Yeah lolita, I have an important meeting this weekend, so I can’t able to arrange any schedules this week” “When is the meeting?” “This friday 30th” “Then arrange it the next day or 30th night” guk gets why “Why are you in a hurry, lolita? Are you trying to do something..” tae cuts him “Say yes or no” asks in his puppy anger “I will try, lolita. It’s getting late come let’s go home” guk gets up tae stops him by grabbing his wrist both eyes locked for seconds “I love you idiot” guk leans down and cups his bread cheeks “I love you forever, lolita” connects their lips softly and moves in sync, this is kiss not in rush or lust just in full of love.

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