74 ~ Discharge

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From the next day, tae have not pushed the others fully. His heart starts to accept him slow by slow. Guk used all the opportunities to as how much as he could make his lolita believe their love. Guk took him out too after the long advice from gianna and jin. But that was guk did a big mistake. It makes tae hate to stay in that hospital anymore. He starts to protest again for all the things. Now jin is pleading him to drink a glass of milk, In which they're all giving his medicine secretly through juice or milk.

"No, I won't drink or eat anything. I just want to go home" tae said in adamant tone.

"If you drink this milk, then I will talk to Gianna about your discharge" jin bring that glass near to his mouth, tae snapped it in anger the glass broken into pieces.

"If you drink this milk, then I will talk to Gianna about your discharge" jin bring that glass near to his mouth, tae snapped it in anger the glass broken into pieces

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"Yesterday day also you said the same words, eomma. I'm not a foo.." jin cuts him in cold voice "You are not a FOOL taehyung, we're, we're the ones FOOL in front of you. You are not knowing that we are protecting you from our all cost to make you feel safe and secure. And here you are helping greatly with your refuses and make us suffering how much as you can, wowwww, thank you so much taehyung thank you so much. Hereafter do whatever you want, I won't ask you. You just want to get out from this hospital right? Wait 10 minutes I will come back with your discharge papers" jin gets out as not hearing his sons non-stop sorry between his cries, tae runs behind him but the bodyguards hold him as jin said to them "Eomma please, come back to me, I will not do anything to make you angry anymore, please eommaaa" screamed at the direction where his eomma went.

Tae sat on the floor outside of his room and cries continuously doesn't care about floors coldness. In other hands, jennie and tannie still on the shock mode by jin's angry tone.

Guk heading towards him happily the hope of he can take his lolita out today as well as, very unaware of any of this.

"Hey lolita" runs to him in worry about seeing his lolita like this.

"Gukkieee" he gets up and running to him, this time bodyguards doesn't stop him.

Guk in small surprise because tae called him 'Gukkie' his heart about to explode when tae jumped on him and wraps his hands and legs around him buried his crying face into his nape, hugging him tightly.

"I.. I just asked.. eomma to take me.. home.. is that wrong gukkie?.. Whenever they sending me to the machine.. it's.. it's hurting my head so much gukkie.. I.. I know eomma and anna is doing for my best.. but I.. I can't gukkie.. please.. please tell eomma.." tae said between hard cry and sniffles "shhh.. I am here lolita, You won't be here anymore I will talk to your eomma and Gianna. Today you are coming with me" guk rubs on his back softly it makes tae calm down "Eomma.. mad at me" said while pulls away from the hug and looking at him with puppy eyes, guk wipes the tears "He is your eomma, eomma's angry words at their childs like writing words on running water, they can't be more than a few seconds. Trust me lolita, your eomma will come and give you a sorry hug" he cheered him, tae nods lightly with a small sniffles, guk chu on his lips unconsciously like old day's "Goodboy" cups his face at the same time tannie comes out "awe awe" and biting guk's pants to lift him also "awe awe awe awe awe awe".

Tannie P.O.V:

When I smell appa's scent, I run to the direction and sees my eomma was already hugging appa without me 'Appa, Eomma' "awe awe".

I bite my appa's pants to let him know I am here I also want a family hug.

'Yah, appa eomma, take me to your hug, Now' "awe awe awe awe awe awe.

"Okay okay wait my dear son, lolita, I think our son also wants to join our hug, If you excused" 'yes appa you catch me' "awe awe" eomma gets down "I don't know you are that close with tan" "We are closer than you think, lolita" appa picks me up, but now eomma is not hugging us 'What happened to eomma, nowadays he is behaving strangely' "awe awe awe" "Your eomma will soon join us too, tan. Don't worry" appa chu on my head while looking at eomma, eomma went to his room without says anything 'Whatever' I starts to lick my appa's hand, tasty appa.


"I can understand your feelings jin, but you should also understand his feelings. He is not in the correct condition. Everything we do on his body only makes him suffer and confuse. We have to do smoothly go thru with his own way" gianna tries her best, but jin shook his head "No gianna, I can't see his suffers anymore. It's okay, if he can't remember. I just want to see his smiling face, so discharge my babe gianna" jin said with small sniffles.

"Okay, I will discharge him at the end of this week after some final tests, it's very important, okay jin?" jin nods slowly at the same time gianna room door opens with a small thud.

"Sorry, if I disturb you. But it's very important to me. I come here to discharge my lolita NOW" gianna sighed tiredly with a little bit of anger.

"Will you guys stop acting like here I am a bad person, I do care about my cutie pie. Do you think I am happy to see his struggles and pain? I know what to do and what not to do" gianna yells in anger left both people in surprise.

"Sorry gianna" jin whispered in guilty he knows how much tae means to her.

Guk clears his throat before talk "I am so glad you are caring about my lolita's health. But I won't allow him to stay here for 24/7, whenever you want him for your test I will bring him here or I will arrange all equipment in my house you can come and check it there" he already settled his mind to get out his lolita from this hospital.

Gianna took a deep breath "Okay fine, I will discharge him now, but you should promise me whenever we call you, you are the one incharge of bringing him here. Even if he refuses to come here" gianna knows very well about tae's naughtiness once he gets out from the hospital it's very very very tough to bring him back, that's why she protested to jin.

"I have my own ways, anyway thanks Mrs. Gianna. Now I take my leave" he said with a smirk and bowed at them before exiting.

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