39 ~ Absence

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Jin looking at everyone coming out from one room he guessed it was the meeting room and he opened the door his full force, he looking at guk is shaking his hand with someone. Then guk glance at his eomeonim with a blank face and he turned to that person "Okay, we will discuss about this later, now you may go" he bowed at guk and went out. "Sorry sir, I tried my best to.." "It's okay jihyo, you may go" "Yes sir" she bowed at both of them and get out from the conference room.

"You punk, How dare you, do you think my tae as your toy for whenever and wherever you want to kiss? I thought you could take care of my son and cherish him with full of love and happiness only, but I regret now to agreed on this marriage. I doubt if my son will marry you his life full of distress or happy" guk hearing everything, his eomeonim yelling at him without interrupting. He knew he ruined their beautiful future life, he felt guilty and ashamed of himself what he did to his precious lolita. Guk is normally temper person and this love life is new to him and he doesn't know how to handle or control his emotions and jealous or whatever he wants his lolita by himself, he wants to be the reason of his smile and his shy, his blush, his happiness, his cuteness everything he just don't know how to express this to his lolita. So, in the end, his temper came out and showed up his love in an aggressive way. 'My lolita doesn't deserve this and me' he said himself and looking outside of the world with a blank face. "Please let's stop it here.." "I'm sorry eomeonim, I can't......... I won't" Jin is trying to control his anger, in few seconds gap guk continued "He is my everything" "May I ask you one thing, Jeon? Do you really love my son?" 'Of course I can't put my exorbitant affection onto my lolita in single word' again he said to himself and kept silent "Because if you loved my son you won't hurt him and his feelings, you really don't know anything about my son and what kind of struggles he faced.." guk clenched his fists to control his temper, he is the type of person doesn't know how to express in feeling towards them. But that doesn't mean he don't care about his lolita "I knew" he said in gritting his teeth "What?" jin is the one who doesn't know fully what happened to his son "JIN" both of them turned to the direction "Jeongguk you don't have to take anything into your mind what he said.." "NAMJOON" jin shouts at his husband but namjoon even have not seen at his direction "I will take care of him you don't have to worry about anything, just continue your work" "Thanks abeonim, I am sorry eomeonim" guk bowed at them and went out.


"Yes sir"

"When Mr. Namjoon come out, tell them my elevator password"

"Okay sir"

Guk entered his private elevator and pressed 30. Sighed and loosen his tie, brushed his hair and clutched it in temper. Elevator door opened he took a deep breath and opened his room. Still his lolita sleeping peacefully he went to his lolita side and kneeled down glancing at his lolita, minutes passed still on the same position without blinking he admiring his lolita. He doesn't notice jin and namjoon arrival. He cupped his face very slowly and kissed one last time on his lolita's forehead smoothly for a few seconds. He wiped his tears on lolita's face and he covered his own face sighed while wiping his own tears. Namjoon comes to him and rested his hand on guk's shoulder and pats as showing his support. He gets up and went out didn't say anything to them. Namjoon glared at his wife, he bites his lips in guilty feeling.

Namjoon kneeled down in front of his son "Tae.. tae" shakes him lightly to wake up from his sleep.

Tae yawning cutely and tried to open his eyes "Eomma please 5 more minutes" said and hugged that pillow tightly, rolled down from the sofa's edge instantly namjoon caught him in bridal style. Tae heart stopped for a few seconds of course eyes widen in shock. Namjoon grinned at his cute son.


Tae P.O.V:

"Where are we?" I asked to appa while rubbing my sleepy eyes.

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