97 ~ Chocolate

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"Gukkie, please give only one choco" tae keeps begging for choco and the cooking person is kept cooking and gives him tomatoes, carrots but refused to give chocolate.

"You're so mean gukkie do you know that?" tae asks as pouts his cute pinkish lips in anger.

"Only in few things, lolita" guk reminds the fact while flip the steak in pan very professionally at the same time hot style, tae eyes staring at his popping veins.

"Yeah, exactly at my favorite things" tae says and munching the baby tomatoes, sitting on the counter.

"What to do my lolita mostly likes unhealthy foods, as your gukkie it's my duty to care of my lolita" guk turned off the stove and went nearby to his lolita "Done, shall we eat?" asks as moving his hands to get him down, but tae slaps it "I want my choco, if you won't give, I won't eat" tae starts his protest "Okay" guk says casually and went to prepare a plate only for him "Huh?!" tae eyes widen in surprise and gets down automatically "shhhah" hissed lightly in pain.

Guk chuckles and continues to prepare the table only for him, tae watching him with a little whines "It won't be a crime to eat one choco" guk filled his plate as he didn't hear anything, when he was about to eat tae grabs his hand and eat it "If you won't give, I won't let you eat this too" says in his usual puppy angry and sat on guk's left thigh, starts to eat quickly like he was hungry for hours. Guk smiles and rubs on tae's back softly to eat him slowly.

Minutes passed, tae stretching his body and fall his head back on guk's shoulder, rubs his cute tummy stomach "I'm full, gukkie" says as forgets his choco protest, guk smiles and chu on his cheeks "Thanks, lolita" mumbles. Guk eats his food as usual tae's leftovers.

⏮ time skip @ the next day ⏭

Tae trying to steal at least one choco, but it always fails in front of his husband's CID eyes. Now both are watching tae's favourite 'Your Name' anime movie in the living area. Guk is not into these types of movies, he likes horror or action movies. So it's boring him and hard to keep his eyes open.

Last night, tae doesn't let his husband to sleep, kept talking about all silly and stupid things in the world that's what guk thought. Gul listened him until they reach midnight, but tae doesn't stop and starts to attack him physically to keep awake. Finally tae slept under guk's tight grips at 3 o'clock. But the next 3 hours guk wakes up and went to do his exercise and did with extra time, because he missed to do yesterday. Tae wakes up at around lunch time, and he insists his husband to do the exercises again in front of him, and guk did with a happy face. But tae's choco protest started after that, he cursed himself for bringing that bags with him.

"Gukkie" tae calls who is cuddling him from the back, "hmmm" guk just hums with half closed sleepy eyes.

"Gukkieee" calls again this time a little louder, "Yes lolita, tell me" mumbles against his nape.

"Do you believe in fate life?"

"Watch that movie quitely" guk says softly as his mind refused to think anything.

"Are you sleeping?" tae instantly turns to look at him "You idiot, it's only noon time and you didn't go to the office but you're sleeping in tired? Huh? Lazy boy" tae says and pinching on others cheeks to wake him up "I'm not a lazy guy, that movie is boring" guk says with a huge grin as his sleepy mode vanished by his lolita's attendions on him.

"Seriously? Boring?"

"Yeah kinda, can we watch something else, thriller or.." tae cuts him "No, answer my question first" guk sighs slightly.

"What question?"

"Do you believe in fated pair?"

"Hmmmmmm" he just hums softly while playing on others silky hair "I'm not sure until I met my lolita"

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