5 ~ Decision

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Chang P.O.V:

"Jeon, me and mom going to meet your future father-in-law and mother-in-law" he cut me "Dad, still not yet confirmed okay?, So don't build your hopes" "We will see, my son. By the way, we come back tomorrow morning, okay? Take care bye" "Okay dad, bye"

"I will come back with your taehyung appointment, so that you can get along with him" - yoona.

"Mom, please" - jeon.

"Uncle, aunty jet is ready we have to go now" - yoongi

I nodded.

"Okay, bye dear, take care" - hugged and kissed on guk cheeks.

I need to finish this matter how fast I can, I don't want my business to go down. Actually, I'm didn't planned to drag jeongguk marriage as a business agreement. But It's a super chance for us to collaborate with Kim Group. Yoona totally disagreed with me from the starting point. Even we fought sometimes for this. She also not interested, but I convinced her to meet just one time if she doesn't like then I won't force her.

That's the first time I met taehyung, he is super shy and cute. Yoona loved him at first sight. At first, I want this marriage for business but after I met taehyung it's totally changed. That's why yoona used the some technique to Jeon which I used.

Now I didn't see Mr. Kim as a competitive person, I just want him to approve this marriage without any issues.

The important twist of fate is WB is Mr. Kim's relative. If Mr. Kim finds out what Jeon did to WB it's gonna be very difficult. So I have to do something before it gets out of hand.

**time skip to a meeting in restaurant **

Namjoon P.O.V:

"I will come straight to the point Mr. Jeon. I don't think it will work. We should stop now" I said with cold tone.

"Why?" Mrs. Jeon asked I can see her sad eyes. She so much loving tae, but I don't want to risk in tae life.

"Mr. Jeon know why I am canceling this marriage proposal" I said looking at Mr. Jeon.

"Mr. Kim, Jeongguk don't know WB is your relative and he deserves this punishment too. So don't make things complicated and we agreed on this proposal with no backward". He said calm tone.

I tensed. "Look Mr. Jeon, our agreement only on business not with tae, so don't try to involve him. About marriage proposal, I said only I will think about it. Because if tae get marry your son he will be safe in the future. That's why I agreed. I thought your power will save my son future, but now if he married your son it will be put him in danger only. I am not gonna allow this."

"Please trust us I never put him in danger" ladies sentiment I shook my head as disapproval.

"Sorry Mrs. Jeon, try to understand as a mother, how can I allow my son to marry your son with this kind of situation". Jin tried to explain her.

"No, how can you make your decision that easily, even you or tae never met my son. They are fated couple. I can't allow this." she argued like a child.

"They can't honey don't worry" Mr. Jeon stared me.

"Why?" I asked and lifted one eyebrow as a questioning look.

"I think you have forgotten about our agreement Mr. Kim. When I helped your business to get back normal that time you agreed to give me whatever I what. I want tae now, so you can't say no."

"WHAT?" me and jin shouted unison.

"See, don't look us like evils first. We don't do anything against tae. I openly say, at first I want this marriage for business purpose. But after I met tae, it's totally changed. He is an angel, how can I put him in danger. So, please trust us and agree with proposal." I shocked with chang statement and he NEVER EVER used please in his life as far as I know.

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