64 ~ Day 1

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Tae stands in front of minho, his back was facing guk.

"Hyung, past is past so please don't bring that again" he comes back and intertwined his arms with guk "And he is the one I am gonna marry. I am belongs to my gukkie only" guk looks at him very proudly, minho puts his hands on his chest and acts like his heart was broken.

"At least consider me as your second chance taetae, if you break up with him" minho literally begs to him, before guk talk tae interrupts him.

Tae shook his head "There is no second chance in my life hyung, first and last the person in my life only with my gukkie, as a husband place, there is no space in my heart for any other person except my gukkie" he said and rested his head on guk's chest, and guk chu on his head with full of love.

Guk turns to minho "Thanks dumbass, because of you now I get to know, where I am in my lolita's heart" said and winks at the person who glaring at him.

Everyone's attention was stolen by teacher's announcement from hand-speaker "Students everyone come here right now".

Tae almost drags shock jimin to the place where their teacher mentioned to gather all of the students. Yoongi and guk is standing a few meter distance from them while holding both of their belongings.

"Students, this is Wonho, he is the one incharge of this campsite, I hope you guys all behave properly" after comes them from different types of response "All right, keep silent. Now it's time to allocate your tent mate".

"Hyung, I hope we will both get the same tent" tae excitedly waiting for both name announce from the teacher. Teacher finished the list, both of them looking confused face, jimin raise his hands "Mam, I think you forget me and taehyung name, we both same tent right?" "It's up to them" pointing yoongi and guk "by the way, last two tent is yours. You can use as your wish or their wish, get ready within hour guys" teacher said and went to the personal tent.

10 minutes of discussion ends with yoongi and jimin one tent, guk and tae one tent against with tae and jimin wish.

"Ahhh.. lolita please.. Stop.." tae does not listen and kept throwing the objects on him whatever he can gets from the mini tent, and guk kepts block it using his own hands as a shield "Who told you to first come here ah?" throws the object "First you stopped our bus journey" throw a small cup, guk caught it successfully "second you fights with minho hyung for no matter" throw a small bag, again caught it "third you and that grandpa separated me and jiminie hyung, what's next?" throw a water bottle, guk catch it and drink a water "As of now no nothing" guk shrug and shook his head.

"This is camping not our picnic place okay?" tae rolled his eyes in angry.

"Oh, then let's plan for our picnic lolita, I am always ready" guk pulled him for a hug, and tried to remove tae's coat, but tae slapped his hands "Don't touch it" said and pulled up "I want to feel you close" guk whines and tried again "I said don't touch it, it was gift from my mom" he slapped and pushed him away "I will give you better than this lolita" tae have not listen what he said, smells and hugs his coat tightly "I love this, this is totally my style.. oops I forgot to call eomma" searching on his all pockets "Where? Where is my phone, maybe backpack?!" He asked himself and searching his backpack "backpack backpack backpack backpack" sings on his own music, meanwhile guk close the tent cover and stand behind him "Where are youuuuu? Youuu uuuu youuu uuuu" he keeps singing while taking out all stuffs inside of his bag, finally he found it where jennie puts his phone "I got you I got you I got ahhhhh, YAH what are you doing" tae struggles in guk's sudden attack.

Guk leans forward to tae's ear "A few minutes ago you told to them that I am yours, now this is my turn to show them that YOU.ARE.MINE" he whispered and bites on his earlobe slightly, tae body reacts immediately his hands automatically tugs on guk's shirt. Tae getting weak day by day in guk's embrace.

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