80 ~ Revenge

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💁 Time to change my favorite chapter in this book!!! 😍🤗🙈

💁 Time to change my favorite chapter in this book!!! 😍🤗🙈

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~ Sin 💜


Tae P.O.V:

"Few months?!! Are you kidding me? You just stay here in the middle of the forest alone, I won't. I am going NOW" I said in anger and went out hide myself by the bedroom door's right side, waiting for that idiot to come out and stops me.

But I can't hear any noise of his moves. I acts like walking and makes strong sound from my foot, let him know I am going away from him.

Silent again!!!

"Don't try to follow me, I am really going" I shouts, again no response!!!

💭 Is that idiot already fell asleep? 💭

I kneeled down and peeks inside secretly.

💭 He is not in bed?! Where did that idiot go? Bathroom? But he was already took bath! Maybe he.. 💭 "You are still here?" "Ahhh" I fell on the floor by my missing balance from a sudden voice "YAH IDIOT, you scared me" pats on my chest to calm down my heartbeat "What are you doing here?" I asked him who is leaning on the wall as exactly parallel on how I stand outside.

"I am doing the same thing you did" he kneeled down "We can play tomorrow how much and how long you want lolita, today I am so tired. So please let's sleep" he took my hands as help me to stand up, but I snapped it.

"I want to go home now"

He gets up "Sorry lolita" said and walks towards the bed and laid down like he finished the topic.

"YAH you idiot, get up first. We have not finished the topic yet" I shook him.

"I did not start this tho, so why are you expecting me to finish this? I am going to sleep don't disturb me, lolita"

"Ohhh, you don't want me to disturb? Huh? Okay okay, I will see how you can sleep peacefully"

I took the TV remote turn on it and put full volume. He rolled and covered his ear with a pillow. I tries to take away the pillow from him, but he holding it very tightly. I climb on the bed and sat on his back rested my both legs either his side and pulls the pillow using my force. I am using my two hands and two legs, but he's just using one hand to hold the pillow.

Is I am that weak or he is that strong?!!!

"YAH you muscle pig, loose the grip" kept trying to pull the pillow from him.

"Lolita, stop this. If you continue in the end you might fall down or get hurt"

"Don't act like you are caring me" he instantly turned to face me, slightly I fall down but I managed to sit on his stomach again. I dunno why I said like that but likes to tease him.

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