14 ~ Jealous

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"January 3rd"


"Seoul xxx xxxx"


"No one has doubted you till now right?"

"Yes sir"


Call ended.

'I did not expect much speed from you Mr. Kim Namjoon, that's also with Mr. Jeon Chang Wook! Hmmm nice move. It's getting interesting' - smirk.

"Hello, Mr. Kim"

"What's now?"

"It looks like you scared of me?"

"Scared? Who is afraid of who?"


"So why are you disappearing for 5 years?"

"You missed me?"

"MY ASS, don't try to touch my son even in your dreams"

Call ended.

Jimin P.O.V:

"Please yoon.." I begged him.

"No, You just come with me and gonna live with my house. That's the final" he said to me more like ordered me.

I know it's hard to change his mind set.

I sighed and started to pack my things.

After packing I went to the living room. He is doing something in his mobile.

I purposely put my luggages with loud sound.

"Done" I said looking at the wall.

"Is my little mochi angry with me ah???" he pinched my cheeks.

I knocked his hands away.

"Even in anger you are beautiful" I bite my lips to control the blush.

He smiled and kissed on my forehead. "Come let's go, Everyone will be waiting for us". His hand holds my hand and the other hand holds my luggages.

**time skip to private jet**

(Yoongi and guk left side single seat, tae and jimin right side large one)

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(Yoongi and guk left side single seat, tae and jimin right side large one)


Jimin and suga entering the private jet. Others alreay came.

"Hey, jimin. You as well as coming with us too?" - jin.

"Nae eomma, he won't allow me to stay alone here" - jimin point outs suga.

"That's point tho, why do you have to be stay alone when you have boyfriend" - jin said with teasing tone.

"I think someone have fun in new year night?" - yoona.

"Yes aunty, lot" - suga pulled jimin by his waist. Jimin blushed.

"Eomma, where is tae?" - jimin

"He is in another room" - jin

"Okay, i will be there with him" - jimin

Jimin went to another room while suga follows jimin.

"Hi noona" come opposite side almost escaping.

"Hey jimin, you want to go there?" - jennie.

"Yeah, eomma said tae is here" - jimin said with confused look.

"haha all the best" - hobi.

"Why? Wh.." - jimin.

Guk P.O.V:

"Are you going to give it now or not?" my lolita shouts at me and trying catch his video game from my hand.

"No" I love to tease him.

"Then I gonna call eomma, EOMM" 'WHAT?! HELL NO' immediately I shut his mouth with my hand.

"If you call eomeonim then no more surprise" he widen his eyes, slowly he take my hands on his mouth "surprise?" "yes lolita, so be.."

"I like to be a cockblocker"

Then only I noticed we are in weird position. Tae is under me and our faces so closed.

"Taetae" "JIMINIE HYUNG" he pushed me, suddenly where did he get that much power?

They are hugged each other haven't meet by years. I rolled my tongue inside my mouth, it's my behaviour nothing else.

"That's enough tiny" "That's enough smurf" - said with unison.

I pulled back my lolita, yoongi hyung back that little smurf.

"I am not TINY" "I am not SMURF" i think they are looks like angry.

"awv awv" 'Okay okay I forget you sorry, he is also looks like angry'.

**time skip to 30 minutes**

"Hyung, are you okay?" I asked him without taking my eyes on my lolita.

"Of course not" I think he as well as said without taking his eyes on that little smurf.

They are tooks lot of selca and played games in their mobile. Now they are started talking to each other ears, sooo closely. I can't take this anymore, but I can't do anything for now. Eomeonim watching me from another room.

"Then go and take your man from mine, hyung" "To where?" 'Oh shit! I forgot that' I sighed and put headphones on my ears and played random song in my mobile.

🎼I don't like the way he's looking at you
I'm starting to think you want him too
Am I crazy? Have I lost ya
Even though I know you love me, can't help it🎼

'Situation song?!'

🎼I turn my cheek, music up
And I'm puffing my chest
I'm getting ready to face you
Can call me obsessed
It's not your fault that they hover
I mean no disrespect
It's my right to be hellish
I still get jealous🎼

'Jealous? Me? Fuck no!'

🎼'Cause you're too sexy beautiful
And everybody want to taste, that's why (that's why)
I still get jealous
'Cause you're too sexy beautiful
And everybody want to taste, that's why (that's why)
I still get jealous🎼

I gets up from my seat and went to sat beside my lolita.

"Hey babe you want to hear this song? It's sooo good. Try.." I was tried to put the headphone on his ears. "EOMMAAA.." I went back to my previous place and continued to listion that song like nothing happened.

"What babe?" - jin

"I want cookies and banana milk" - tae, I am looking at him 'Really tae?'

"Okay" - jin

"Me too" - jimin

"Sure my babies" - jin

"By the way nice try, bro" hyung chuckled at me and went to sleep.

They started talking again.

🎼Hey! (oh)
(That's why), (that's why)
I still get jealous
Jealous baby, jealous baby, baby! (Oh)
That's why
I still get jealous (jealous, jealous, jealous)🎼

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