24 ~ Cafe Universe

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Tae P.O.V:

I was ready to get off from the hobi's office room. But someone opens the door.

 But someone opens the door

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(hobi office room)

"Hello my cutie, it's been a while" rose noona approached me with a huggie.

"Hi noona, you are the one busy here. That's why you can't even attend my engagement party" I said with my sad pout.

"Ohhh, I am really sorry cutie. I was about to come, but suddenly I got a call from my family. That's why, I can't attend your engagement party. Look I bought your favourite Ice Cream, take this Ice Cream as my sorry" rose noona said took from her behind my favourite Ice Cream.

"Wowwwww" my smiles fed up "Sorry noona I have to go now" I said and ready to run.

"WHAT?" noona shocked. I took this time to run from here.

It's normal whenever I get bored here I just fooled them then run away from here to nearby park. They search me every park and every place I likes to play like this, but when we return to home eomma yelled at me and appa and hyung like a whole day. Eomma cried for me when I was run away from the office at the first time. Then eomma strengthened the bodyguards around me. After that, it gets more difficult for me whenever I run away they easily get me caught.

I am sure it this time noona called that bodyguards and securities to catchme. I entered that storeroom and locked it. I took my phone dialed lisa noona number.

"Noona, where are you?"

"I'm on the floor as you said"

"No one doubts you right?"

"Yes, now tell me where are you?"

"There is a storeroom at the end of the floor in the right side. I'm waiting for you inside the room."

"Yeah, I saw that room. Open now"

Immediately I opened the door. Noona enters quickly then locked that door again. Immediately I switch off my phone and put it on the nearby table.

"Noona, did you brought everything I said?"

"Of course, here."

"Thanks, noona"

"You always do like this?" noona asked me doubtfully.

"Ani, this is my first time, can you help me noona? I am new to this stuff."


**15 minutes later**

"I'm done, see yourself".

"Nobody can find me" I said while looking at the small mirror.

"Nobody can find me" I said while looking at the small mirror

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