59 ~ Balcony

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Jeongguk kept asking a few more questions tae can't answer correctly, because he can't understand how he drunk, what he did, why he ended like here it's all confusing him. It's all giving him more headache.

"Lolita, please tell what exactly happened there?"

"Aishhh, I want to go home" tae pushed him away from the hug and tried to go to the room, but guk stops him by wrist and pulled back.

"What I did to you, now you want to go?" guk hugs him from back and asked with a little disappointed.

"You kept asking even I can't understand why I ended up like this" tae frowned on guks held.

Guk leans on tae's neck "But I want to know about.." his whispers interrupts by the phone call "Just a minute" guk said and went inside of the room to pick his call.


"Is that tiny is sleeping or awake?"

"Awake hyung, why?"

"Hmmm, stop your detective work onto him. Don't ask him anything about the club matter we will discuss tomorrow"

Guk left huge sigh "Okay hyung" call ended.

He comes back to the balcony saw his lolita sat on the chair head hung down hands are massaging lightly on his temple, he immediately went to him kneeled in front of him caressing cheeks to look him.

"Headache?" asks smoothly but that does not work on tae's current condition, because of his questions tae's headache increased now.

Tae slapped his hands "You are the cause of now I am in headache, get out" yells at him with puppy anger and cute pout.

Guk can't help and smiles at his lolita cups his face again "Oppa is sorry" chu on his forehead.

Tae blushed madly by the single word, folded his lip in a thin line, biting his inner lips. Guk thumbs trace on the biting lips to pinch cheeks very slowly. Tae forgets his headache on guk's small touches. Guk tilts his head and pulled him slowly by his nape, even they kissed many times, tae always feels this is their first time going to kiss him. Tae wraps his hands around guk's neck and closed his eyes to feel the soft lips against him. Guk heaten up the kiss by fast moving his lips on very tastiest lips. That was made tae go crazy and wants to feel guk's body so close to his body he hates the gap between them, he gets up from the chair and hugs him tightly without break the hot kiss it cause both of them landed on the floor. The result tae was laying on the top of guk's chest. Guk smiles in the kiss and pulls up him by his exposed waist. He slids his hands into bareback and pinches on his lolita's smooth and soft skin, it makes tae moan loudly in the kiss. Guk leaves his plump lips to take a breath went down to his jawline then adam apple then his favorite spot to give a love bites. Whenever he sucks this place tae go over crazy like his body is fully controlled by Jeon Jeongguk. This is the exact same spot on his neck mole, this was comes to know when both are one day morning looking at the mirror while tae tried again to tie a tie on guk's neck, tae was the one noticed same spot marks first. By the way, still tae failed to tie a tie, it has always ended by the knot.

After enough of satisfied on his beautiful artwork on a beautiful skin guk let him go. In other hands, tae satisfied on enough biting and kitten licks on the cute neck mole. Both are satisfied on after few days gap fulfilled by the small silly fight, smile, kiss, hug, hickeys, scent and each other warmt.

They pulls each other away, glancing with a happy smiles. Tae leans to chu on his lips at the same time guk also forms his lips to chu him, which is ended by the cute chu with a cute giggles.

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