84 ~ Playtime

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Guk laid on the bed with his lolita, guk's left hand balancing on his own weight and his right hand smooth and slowly roaming on his lolita's body between their sweet kiss. Tae feels that something something feelings, his body starts to feel the heat and his breaths is unstable, unconsciously he closed his eyes only to feel all. He wraps his hands around guk's nape pulls him closer how much as he can. Guk also missed the taste of his lolita's sweet lips. Guk slides his right hand slowly into tae's inside of his shirt, tae's body trembles under guk's soft touches. Guk heated the kiss as roaming his hands with lit pinches on tae's cute tummy. Tae moans between the hot kisses. After hearing tae's moans guk turned on more, he slowly moved on to his pinkish share nipples, tae curled his toes and stopped kissing because of he getting over pleasure just by the touch. Guk leans down to kiss on his jawline then moved to his neck and sucks on it which was his weak spot. Tae clenched on guk's hair and tilted his head to give more access, guk sucks on the spot again and again until he gets satisfied, at the same time his fingers are playing with tae's nipples until both nibbles getting harden. Tae moans loudly between guk's plays. After a few more love bites on tae's neck, he moves to his ear and bites it seductively before the talk.

"This is your home lolita. You shouldn't go anywhere without me and I won't let you go" tae eyes wide open and the reality hits him, guk titled up his head to see his lolita's reaction and noticed his mood changed into anger "Tell me lolita, you won't go anywhere without me" tae still mad at him because he missed him for a week "Why should I hav.." he gasped and tightens his grip on guk's suits, when he feels guk's hand on his hard clothed member. Guk rubs on it slightly, tae curled his toes and pushed his body up a little bit took a deep breath as closed his eyes "Tell me lolita, you won't go anywhere without me" guk asked as leaned closer to his lips barely touches them, guk pressed on his hardened tip little bit, tae bites his own lips hardly, he's full body is on fire.

"I.. I won't.. ahhh.." Tae felt some new feelings when guk touches his private area "I won't.. nghhh.. leave.. you.. ughhh.. Gukkieee nghhh" guk stopped moving his hands when he heard 'Gukkie' from his lolita's mouth. After a long time, he heard from his lolita, now his feelings are mixed with happy and a little bit of confusion. Because he thought tae get back his memories, but it's failed by tae's next word. Tae wants him to touch more, so unconsciously he moved his hips up. Guk smirked and take out his hands, satisfied by hears tae's whines. Tae opened his eyes with pouty lips "I said I won't leave you idiot" guk sighed in his hopes get failed, but another idea popped upon his mind. He smirked again and touches his lolita's tiny partner with teasingly "Who I am to you lolita?" tae clenched his toes and tightens his grip on guk's suits as bites his lips hardly how much as he can. Guk leans closer and pulled out tae's lips with his teeth "Tell me lolita, who I am to you?" guk speeds his move on the tae's lower area. Tae forgets the world just breathes heavily as matching with guk's move. Guk ripped tae's top and starts to suck on his sharp pinkish hardened nipples, does not give him a chance to think about anything other than pleasure, pure pleasure.

Tae moans loudly not care about anything, he clenching guk's hair tightly. Guk can't give him a perfect handjob cause of tae's shyness made him to close or hide his private part. But this is more than perfect for tae's first time. Guk trying to keep open tae legs but tae kept trying to turn his body right side where guk is lying, because so that he could hide his tiny body into that widebody. He can't take over pleasure from his bottom and top private parts at the same time. He loves this new feelings but don't know how to take it and his innocent body also not yet ready to take over pleasure, it's trembling all over his body.

Guk stops sucking on his nipples and looking at the person who is breathing heavily and sweating drops here and there makes him more hotter. He slows down and let him take a breath normal "Stop bite your lips, lolita. Don't hurt them. You can bite me" guk was about to remove his suit and give his shoulder but it was stopped by tae. Tae pulled him and bites on guk's cheek. Guk smiled and continued his job. Tae forced his bites when guk speeds up. They both are not in normal conditions.

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