26 ~ Sorry

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Tae P.O.V:

I tried to call appa but again eomma tapped my hand and locked it. I sat silently and start to think how to calm down eomma. Suddenly eomma stopped the car. 'What we were reached that fast?' I peeked outside 'Office? Why?' I turn to look my eomma.

"Go and bring your mobile" eomma said with cold voice. I pout sadly and obeyed what he said.

Office full of silence and everybody staring at me. I went to the place where I left, I took my phone and went back to the car.

"Give, Give it to me"

I gave to eomma without saying anything. Eomma put it in his pocket and starts the car. I sighed and starts to look outside. Whenever I ran away from the office normally appa or hyung or rose noona or bodyguards these one of them will come and pick me. Cause no one dared to tell eomma that I was ran away from the office. Whenever I ran away they caught me very fastly, then last time only I knew that they're traced my phone to caught me. That's why I left my phone this time, 'How did they found me this time? Especially eomma! Why did he come and how? Eomma called me when my phone was switched off? Yes, that might be the reason'.

"Eomma" I called slowly.

No reaction.

"Eommaaa" I shook him by his hand.

"I am driving be quite" he said while looking at the road.

"You can talk eomma, your mouth is free. No one tape or sealed on your mouth" eomma reaction I saw it on the speed of his driving.

Again silence.

"Eomma I am sorry, I won't do this again. Please talk to me" this is new to me. Eomma never ever avoiding me this is the first time, I see him like this.

"How many times tae? How many times did you said like this? You always says that eomma please forgive me this I won't do this again. Then you are repeating the same things again and again. Even you don't care how I feel whenever I heard the news about you ran away. It's looks like I am a bad eomma to you, that's.. that's you tried to run away from us" I said with cracked voice.

"Eomma I am" sobbing "I am really sorry please don't say like that ever" sobbing "please eomma, I love you so much. I never ever thought you like that. You are the most important person to me in this world eomma" I starts cry heavily eomma stopped the car.

I am waiting for my eomma's hug. But eomma gets out from the car and went to the door without look at me.

I was stayed in the car and cried again again "Eomma I am really sorry" crying "I pinky promise to you" crying "I won't ever do this again" crying "Please don't be like this, it's hurting so much eomma" cried while clenched my hand to the heart side.

Jennie P.O.V:

I am so relieved that when I knew that, they are find my little tae from hobi when I was called him.

Someone opens the door I saw that eomeonim's eyes on some tears, I quickly rush to him.

"Eomeonim, what.." "Tae in the car, he is crying go and take care of him" eomeonim said and went to his room.

'What happened? why eomeonim act like this?' I went outside.

"Taeee" I called him and opened the car door and I opened my hands wildly to catch him.

"Noona" he hugged immediately I know that now he wants someone to comfort him.

"Noo..Noona.. I.. I.." tae tried to talk while crying "shhhh, it's okay nothing happened, everything will be okay" I said and pats on his back.

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