13 ~ New Year

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Tae P.O.V:

"Tae?" gukkie called me in husky voice.

"Hmm?" I hum in response.

We are still in the balcony. His back is supporting the balcony half wall and I buried my face in his chest. He kept his chin on my head. Hugging each other. Feels each other warmth.

"You won't leave me right?"

What kind of question this is? And starting of the year FOOL.

I shook my head. He lifted my chin to look at him.

"Say in words"


"You.." he was about to say something but knocks interrupt us.

We walked towards the door. I am holding his arms. He opened the door.

"Tae babe"

"Eommaaa" I ran towards my eomma and hugged him.

Jin P.O.V:

My babe ran towards me. I opened my arms ready to catch him.

"My babe" kissed his temple "you slept well?"

"Nae eomma" he replied with smiles.

"Okay now, shall we go to our home? Tannie is waiting for you".

"Tan-ah!! He will be alone. I am sure he will miss me. I want to see him now. Come on eomma" he dragged me to downstairs.

Jeon smiled at tae, I can see his sadness behind that smile.

"You go babe, I will come".

"Okay eomma, bye gukkie" he waved his two hands at jeon direction he also replied with waves and sad smile.

I cleared my throat to get attention from jeon.

"I dunno why you are sad now, just know one thing he is not like us to understand our thoughts. He will say what he want that seconds. But, that's not mean he doesn't love you like you do. Tae doesn't have enough maturity. I hope you will understand him".

"Nae eomeonim, I understood" he nodded and smiled.

"And this is the first and last time to took my babe without my permission" I screwed his ear "understand?" "ah ah, nae eomeonim. ah ah" he screamed.

Guk P.O.V:

'Ahhh what I did in my life to get the great kind heart eomeonim?!'

"ah ah, nae eomeonim. ah ah" he is really scared.

"Anyway Happpieee New Year, my son-in-law" now he screwed my both ears.

'Is this really a wish or punishment?'

"Ah ah Happpieee New Year, eomeonim" i said with pain. 'Nobody would get this kind of wish today!!!' I rubbed my pained ears.

"haha let's go now"

We were went to downstairs. I saw everyone in living room, but eyes are searching for particular one person. There is my lolita happily eating his cake.

He is sitting alone in dining room. I greets everyone and went to meet my lolita.

I leaned the side of wall crossed my hands and watching my lolita.

"Hi lolita, what you doing?" he quickly hide his cake from my view.

"Nothing" he said with full cakes in his mouth.

'How can I be quiet when he show this much of cuteness? This is your son's mistake, eomeonim.'

"I already saw that" he cuts me "I won't give you single bite. This is only for me, mom gave to me. If you want go and ask mom. Don't touch mine."

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