52 ~ T-Shirt

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(I don't have any idea about alcohol and red wine, I am zero in what kind of effects will come, so bear my story)

(I don't have any idea about alcohol and red wine, I am zero in what kind of effects will come, so bear my story)

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(In case if you forgets guk's dating outfit)



"Gukkie, is not hot here?" tae said while tightening his grips on guk's neck.

"Not really" guk taps on tae's arm to remove the hug "Go to the bed lolita".

Tae shook his head fastly "No, I want to be in your embrace forever" he snuggled on his neck.

Guk pats on his back "We can cuddle until you say 'let me go you idiot' okay lolita?".

Tae jumped from guk to the bed "Then, come let's cuddle" he grabs him to fall down on the bed.

"I need to take my bath, you go.." gets up from the bed to take his nightdress, but it was again stopped by tae's grab.

"Please don't go" tae eyes are ready to tear up, after saw tae's puppy eyes "Okay, okay let's cuddle" guk laid on the bed and pulled him to lay on his chest. Tae instantly wrapped his hands around guk's neck happily.

Tae can't sleep peacefully, the cause of red wine tempting his body and attacks him with hot temperature. He is a very very light person, so he can't tolerate this. So he kept moving and snuggles to get comfortable warm from guk.

"Are you okay lolita?" guk asked and cups his cheeks.

He shook his head "It's hot here" said and gets up, undressed himself left with only underwear then goes to the bed where he laid before and hugs him snuggled his face into guk's neck with relaxing sigh "Now I can feel better" guk was shocked by his actions "But not I am" he gulped and bites his dried lips.

Guk P.O.V:

'Why are you doing this to me NOW, lolita. I am damn sure that you won't remember a single thing. Then why?' I am looking down at my sleeping angel. He is so tempting me. His glowing body with perfection I can't control myself. I can feel his bare body fully touching with mine. The situation and romantic mood encouraging me to go further. Slowly my hands wrap him around by his tiny waist. I can feel his shivers. I was about to grab him up but it was stopped by his voice.

"Gukkie" he whined and sat on the bed "I can't sleep, because of this cold air" his puppy eyes are filled by sleep and tears.

"What you want me to.." before I complete my sentence, he pulled up my t-shirt crawled and comes to another side, now his faces are too close with mine and his both hands are rested on my chest, legs are folded and placed on my either, his chubby ass perfectly rested on my crotch "Let's sleep like this. Now, hot and cold can't touch me" said and shows his heart smile chu on my lips, buried his face into my neck like he is not affected by staying like this 'Fuck this hot and fuck this cold'.

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