76 ~ Time's Up

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Hey guys, I want to stop breaking your hearts, so tried to finish taekook separations in this single chapter and I THINK I DID IT 👍

Hey guys, I want to stop breaking your hearts, so tried to finish taekook separations in this single chapter and I THINK I DID IT 👍

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And one more small announcement, if you guys want to try different types of story platform please visit her books taetaekook26.

~ Sin 💜


⏮ time skip @ day before, Thailand ⏭


"Thanks for coming, lisa. I won't forget our first dat.." lisa cuts him "It's just a friendly dinner, mike. That's it" lisa said and gets out from his car.

"It might a friendly dinner to you, but for me, this is our first date, lisa. Don't worry when our first official date I will make it more memorable one" mike leans down and shouts at her direction.

Lisa turns and leans on the car window to face him "Don't think me like others, I won't fall that easily, you have to work harder to catch my heart baby" she whispered the last word and winked at him, instantly mike gets out "Hey, lisa stop there. You have already fallen into me" he runs to her who is running to hide the sudden blush.

Lisa locked the door and leaned on back with a happy smile on his face. Finally, she found the person where can she feel real love.

After fresh up she laid on the bed, at the same time she got a call from a private number, her smiling face faded.

"Congratulations on your first date, lisa"

"What you want?"

"Coming straight to the point? I like it"

Lisa gritted her teeth in anger and waits for others to continue.

"You should go to Seoul now and as we already discussed submit that marriage agreement file to taehyung, that's it" Krystal said casually as she did it many times.

"Look bitch, first of all, I never ever agreed to do this any shits and I already informed guk and suga about you and your shit plans it won't work anymore"

"Do you think I am not aware of that lisa? You even don't know my name" that's true lisa not know anything about her apart from park bo gum related to her "I've already told you that I will watch you 24/7. So now go.." lisa cuts her "No I won't, I don't care I.." "Then say goodbye to your current boyfriend Mike" "You bitch, he is not doing anything with this" "Yes he is, he loves you that's not enough?" a few seconds later lisa continues "I will go" "hmmm, that's good" "Don't dare to touch my mike" "It's upto your attitude baby, if you shut your mouth and just do what we said then I will leave you both" "Just wait for the day when you meet jeongguk you gonna die" lisa cursed her "Haha, now I badly want to tell you some interesting things" lisa attitude changed into nervous when she heard that evil laugh "Do you think jeongguk and you met accidentally by that accident?" lisa mind rewind that day when she met him in her hospital "No, it was planned by us. Actually, my love wants him to die, but I was the one saved him at that time. If no enemies in our lives then no fun, am I right lisa?" "Why? What the hell you want from them?" "Number one" "huh? What?" "Can I tell you something lisa? This world's real face of cruel you will see when you come to the second place. When you are in the first place the whole world talks about only you but when you accidentally slipped into second place by only a few votes difference the world does not look at you the way before it will turn out total opposite. They'll forget everything about you and cheering on new place number one. That's the thing happening in our lives. We were working hard for years to achieve this number one place but that Jeon Jeongguk suddenly will come out from nowhere and stole our pride and place and money and everything in just 2 years? We want to show him what would feel if he comes in second place in his life, how the world would treat him. And we knew how strong he is in his business and number one position, but when we find out his weakness into that small boy we are using it, that's it. You might have some doubts why am I telling this all, I am just adding some spices. Now you knew all but you can't open if you did then forget your mike" call ended.

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