73 ~ You're Mine

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"You startled me, you IDIOT, this is the way you greet your.." guk cuts him by tight hugs.

Tae heart still beating crazily but this time not by shock there is something something feeling.

"Please tell me lolita, this is all fake. You have not forgotten me, You have not forgotten our love, You have not forgotten our sweet memories, please lolita please tell me" pulled him away cups his face makes him to eye contact "Tell me lolita, you remember me right? Do you remember your gukkie? Your husband?" tae bites his bottom lip hardly, he don't know what to say. From a few minutes ago he told his eomma that he don't like the man who is now in front of him with crying face and begging to remember him. Tae shook his head very very slowly, now it's guk turn to bite his own lips, he connected his forehead with others. They stayed like that for a few minutes, then guk pulled away slowly and wipes tae's tears smoothly with his thumb now only tae noticed that he as well as cried with him. Guk gets out from the room without saying anything.

⏮ time skip @ 3 days later, afternoon time ⏭

Tae P.O.V:

'It must be a dream' - my mind.

'No it wasn't a dream, I felt him. Trust me' - my heart.

"Arnghhhhhh you both could shut it down? Let me sleep at least today" I yelled and covered my whole body with the warm blankets.

'He is the one confusing you, If he truly cares about you, why did not he these three days comes to meet you? Is he even love you?' - my mind.

'How could you say like this after seeing his pure love tears? I think that's why you don't have heart" - my heart.

'Yeah, I don't have heart and you don't have your mind to use the brain, brainless fellow' - my mind.

'Heartless fellow' - my heart.

"Could you both please SHUT.UP" I kicked out my blanket and sat on the bed.

"Huh?! Taetae what happened? Are you okay?" jiminie hyung asked me with his half sleeping eyes in little surprised by my actions.

"Yeah, hyung I am fine" I said and lying down again.

⏮ time skip @ 3 days ago ⏭

Guk P.O.V:

I can't see my lolita's eyes the way he looks at me as a stranger. There is no love in his eyes. It's breaking my heart into millions of pieces.

When I get out from tae's room with broken heart, straightenly I heads to our 'Dark World'. Yoongi hyung called me to come there. I know there is someone behind all these, I don't care whoever they are gonna die in my own hands.

I see yoongi hyung checking something on his laptop very deeply "Hyu.." before I complete the sentence "I know how you feel but don't let your hopes down. He has the chance to return his memories for sure, but tiny needs some time that's it, okay?" I let out a small sigh with a nod.

"Good, now we need to find park bo gum. He was the one did this to him" I fist my hands in anger, it was my fault to let him alive for some reason.

I was about to go but yoongi hyung stopped me "Before do anything just take this into your mind, as you said park bo gum only not did these, there is someone. And lisa, she was trapped in their tricks. So we should handle this more carefully" I just nodded.

⏮ time skip @ current time ⏭

"How is jimin doing hyung? Is he okay?" I asked with no emotions while driving to the hospital to see my lolita after 3 days.

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