6 ~ Special Gift

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**at Daegu hotel**

Yoongi P.O.V:

"Uncle, this is the WB report." i gave him to what I collected in Daegu.

"Any useful information?"

"Yes uncle, WB blood relation only, he is not involved with any Mr. Kim business. So we can move further."

"Okay yoongi, good job"

"Thanks uncle, by the way what happened today?"

"Why? Update to Jeon?" he asked and smiled meaningly.

"Maybe". I said with the same smile.

"Okay, then tell him to get ready meet my future son-in-law on 31st evening New Year party at Busan"

"Oh, it's pretty fast than I thought! Uncle, May I know why you select tae? Is this for business?"

"No yoongi, At first I want this for business but after I met tae he changed my mind."

"Oh, what kind of change uncle?"

"You will know when you meet him"

"Hmmm, interesting! Will see then. Bye uncle."

"Bye yoongi."

I went to my room. Took my phone and calling Jeongguk.

"What happened hyung?" I can feel his nervous from here.

"If you accept the call first you have to say hello.."

"Hyung please tell me" I decide to tease him a little bit.

"That much eager to know about your future princess?"


"Then why I got 24 calls from you?"

"That.. I.."

"Haha, leave it. Get ready to meet your future princess on 31st evening New Year party in Busan".


"Yah, If you shout again I will cut the call"

"Hyung, please help me."

"Sorry guk, it's already out of hand. You got the two choices yes or yes"


"Bye Bye".

Guk P.O.V:

Really I don't have any choices? No, I can reject him, just I have to meet him then talk about this business agreement then.. Oh, maybe he knows this agreement?! Whatever I just don't want this marriage.

**time skip to tomorrow morning**

"Hi my dear son" my mom run to me hugged happily.

"Hi mom" I replied with a hug.

"You already got the information from your yoongi hyung, Am I right?" dad asked me and smiled.

I just nodded. I can't deny with dad arguments.

"I can't wait to see you with tae, my dear. I have to start my shopping today. Honey, we don't have time come let's list out everything" mom dragged dad to their room.

I never saw both of them this much happiness. I felt that again something something. That tae have any power?!

**time skip to Busan**

Tae P.O.V:

Today is hyung and yoona anniversary. Me and eomma doing as we planned. Currently hyung and noona on a date, we are waiting for their arrival. Eomma made one big size cake for them. And as we planned I did special dinner decoration behind the house. Noona's house nearby beach so it's perfectly amazing for celebration. Noona's parents helped me to decorate this special dinner.

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