60 ~ Rights

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It's been one-hour tae and guk does not talk to each other just staring like who gonna break the eye contact first. This game was started by after fight.

***One hour before***

Yoongi grabs jimin and went to his house. Guk grabs tae hand and drags him to his room, pushed him it cause tae to fall on the bed.

"I thought you were true to me but guess I am wrong" guk said in anger mixed with a disappointed tone.

"But it was past gukk.." guk interrupts him "Past or present he was your crush NOT.ME" tae flinched back by guk voice this is his first to see his gukkie in this condition.

Tae don't know how to make him calm or what to say, he is on full fear if he said something it might make him more anger, so he kept silent just biting his own pity lips to control water pool in the eyes.

In the other hand guk going crazy, because he wants to be all in tae's life, he is okay with his best friend position it was already taken by jimin. Jimin is trust worthed person moreover he was taken by his own cousin. But CRUSH!!! It was most important in everyone life, because first crush always so special in their life till the end. He wants to be that person in tae's life, but now that position also already taken by someone. He can't tolerate, he wasn't that person.

Guk grabs his own hair on temper and sat on the sofa which is placed on the opposite side of the bed.

Tae gulped at the view, he badly wants to touch him and say 'Don't be act like this gukkie, it's scaring me, please', but he curled his knees into his chest and hugs tightly.

Guk rested his back on the sofa and staring at the person who is peeking him from folded knees back with puppy eyes.

***Current time***

How long can tae just staring at the powerful gaze, he yawns now and then, but it was nothing stops guk stare. Tae eyes ready to fall into the sleep any time. His half-closed eyes are ready to sleep, but it was flinched open by guks getting up sound, tae straighten up his body and glancing him with puppy eyes.

Guk come close to the bed and sat beside him, cups his face. Tae leans to the touch let him touch more, guk smiles softly chu on his lips "I am sorry, lolita" tae face lits up by his gukkie's smiling face now he feels his gukkie is back and that terror Jeon Jeongguk is not more in his body, so he also smiles back happily "Don't do this again gukkie, it was scaring me when my gukkie is not with me" he said with light shivers. Guk felts bad hugs him tightly, tae hugs back him with full of happiness.

"Now I can go university camping right gukkie?" asks innocently with his puppy eyes and shows his box smile.

Guk closes his eyes and takes a long deep breath to control the anger, he shook his head with closed eyes, when he opens he saw sad pouty twisted lips.

"Please, gukkie. This is my first time after my school summer camp. Please please please" tae pleaded to him while bouncing on the bed.

"You are not going anywhere without my permission that's it" guk said more like ordered him and gets up.

Now it's tae turns to get angry "I am not your slave and I have all the rights to do whatever I want. And the most important this is, do not forget that we have not yet got married, so you can't order or control me.." tae stops when he was lifted by forceful power.

"WHAT? WHAT DID YOU SAY?" tae flinched and shivering under tight grips, tae saw the clear anger on Jeon Jeongguk eyes he is not his gukkie, this time he looks more and more anger he can't look at his gaze "REPEAT.THE.WORDS.NOW" guk grabs his chin to look at him by forcefully, tae yelps by his actions and eyes are already flows the water continuously "Gu.. Gukkie.. It.. it hurts.." tae words come so hardly into the pain of full body inside and outside.

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