43 ~ Tattoo and Tie

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Tae P.O.V:

My eyes are widened in surprise. On his milky skin, this tattoo looks so attractive. I slowly take my hands to touch that tattoo.

(Just imagine there is Lolita instead of Love

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(Just imagine there is Lolita instead of Love. Tattoo placed on guk's chest)

"Do you like it?"

Without taking my eyes on that tattoo, I nodded fastly with my face full of smile.

"I love it" I said looking at his eyes.

"Why did you put it here? You want me to stay with your heart always?" he just nodded and held my hands "And this is the first place you kissed on my body apart from my lips, I can say that as you were tasting my body, sucking, eating" I cut him "Yah" I hide my face from getting red with my left hand, he chuckles then take my right hands I peek through my fingers which is not fully covered my face. He starts to suck on my fingers while glancing me I closed again in shy and biting my lower lips in that something something feeling in my stomach.

(In my dictionary/all 'chu' means kiss with chu sound, like a flying kiss. It is like a play kiss. ~Sin)

"I want to save our all first moments" he said and chu on my top of thumb finger with a pop sound.

"You are my everything" again he chu on my top of the index finger, I half removed my hands from my face to see my gukkie, he is gazing me.

"I also want to taste you of every inch of your body" he said deep husky voice and chu on my top of the middle finger with pop sound again, I shivered in shy.

"I wanna marry you now" I can see and feel the love, he chu on top of the finger and lightly kissed on my ring. Both are forgotten to blink.

"I promise you that I.NEVER.EVER.LEAVE.MY.LOLITA alone" chu and grabbed my little pinky finger to pinky promise me and sealed it. I just drowned by his actions.

I lean to him and cups his face into my small hands, we both sharing our eye contacts with more of love he held my wrist "I Love You Gukkie" his widen in surprise, I knew this is the first time I am saying 'I Love You' to my gukkie. I smiled and pecked on his lips. "I also promise you that I.NEVER.EVER.LEAVE.MY.GUKKIE" I said while connecting our foreheads, nose nose touching, I just closed my eyes and tilts my head..

Ringing.. Ringing..

Guk P.O.V:

This is the first time my lolita takes his first step to kiss me, he closed his eyes and tilts his head, I don't want to blink and waste my time on it, so I just continue my gaze on my lolita's close face. I am excitedly waiting for my lolita's soft lips to place with mine.

Ringing.. Ringing..

He opened his eyes and pulled himself from me 'Who the hell is born to disturb us?' I groaned inside.

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