Chapter 1

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Two boys were up early in morning. They both were in gym. Both of them were doing their work out. One of the boy went to table aside and picked up his guitar and starts humming while his younger brother was enjoying his song.
After finishing the song. The younger one said.

Younger : Bahi don't you think you should opens your music academy.

His brother: Neil i known I should but if i join music then it will pressure on you and dad which i will never want.

Neil : manik bhai it your dream to become singer. I think we should speak to dad about this. I am sure he will listen to us.

Manik : if you think then i will speak to dad. By the way Neil what was your yesterday post about. What going on?

Neil : nothing Bhai , it was just for one of my friend.

Manik : Neil Don't lie.

Neil : Bhai actually it was my friend birthday so we played game and i was dared to put that picture on.

It was picture of Neil and manik baby picture with caption" crazy copied us".

Manik : really Neil, couldn't you post something else than that baby picture of us.

Neil : sorry bhai.

Manik : don't be but delete it later on.

Neil : check your phone. I did it last night.

Manik : smart move. Let go in.

They both went to their room and got fresh up.
In room a girl was sleeping Peaceful. She had beautiful simile on her but woke in jerk. She heard laughing then she looked up to see.

Girl : what is this Di?

Her sister : avni get up. Don't Forget you have your appointment toady.

Avni :chill my Nandu Di.

Nandu: avni come on stop dreaming about you Prince Charming.

Avni : Di please not Anything my prince.

Nandu : understood now will come out from his drama.

Avni lazily get from her bed and went to fresh up. Nandini went to downstairs to see others.

In Khanna boys joined their parents on dinning table. Both took their seat while Swetha placed some Sandwich in plate. While eating Neil was eyeing manik to talk.
Praksh saw this.

Praksh : what going on between you both?

Manik : nothing dad.

Neil : but bhai.

Manik eyed him not say anything. Praksh saw this too.

Praksh :Neil do you want to say something?

Neil : dad actually Bhai loves music and he sings very well .today i told by to open a academy but bhai said no because he doesn't want pressure on us and our business. Dad make bhai understand his dream is important.

Manik was listening slightly while Swetha and Praksh was proud on their sons.

Praksh : manik is this true.

Manik : yes dad but

Praksh : You should follow your dream and don't worry about business. Me and Neil handle this and you will there too. Even I want son to sing.

Manik: dad if you want then i can speak to them.

Neil : bhai you should.

Manik : don't you have any dream.

Neil: I don't have any particular one but I Really wanna join police force.

Manik : Really.

They talked and left for office.

In metha House.
Avni joined everyone one.others were already there. Avni wished everyone.

Neela : Avni how come you woke up late?

Before avni could reply nandhni did.

Nandu: ma she was in dreaming about her Prince Charming that why this madam is late.

Avni winces.

Avni : maa

Neela : my Avni will get her Prince Charming soon.

Avni : I am going bye.

Nandu :Avni eat before going.

Avni : Di I will be late.

Nandu : really but in room you wanted to sleep.

Avni runs before replying.

Neela : you take her lunch with you.

Na: sure maa.

Nandu finished her house work and left to hospital.

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