Chapter 15

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Neil parked the car front of farmhouse. They came out and headed inside. Manik guided them. Neil was behind them while checking email. They reached to living room.

Manik : you guys can take sit.

Avna nods and takes sit beside each other. Neil looks at Avni who was looking around. He smiled seeing her.

Manik : Neil you wanna change first.

Neil : I will just come.

Avna nods. Neil went to his room to change. While Manik sat opposite them.

Manik : do you want to eat something.

Avni : no thank you.

Manik : if you don't mind can I ask you something.

Avni nods.

Manik : why you behaving strange. I mean we met before then why this awkward.

Avni : I am sorry but since what's our parents Said I am confuse.

Manik : don't worry about that but you can consider me as your elder brother.

Avni smiled at him. Nandini was admiring him from corner of her eye. Soon Neil joined them.

Neil : what's going on?

Manik : why you late?

Neil : I was talking to Juhi about deal.

Manik nods. Then Neil saw Avni and Nandini. He sat next Manik.

Neil : what's the important work you both had?

Avna looks at each other then back to them.

Neil : don't feel tense you tell us.

Nandini : we want talk about what our parents have thought about us getting Married.

Neil and Manik looked at each other then at avna who was looking at them already.

Avni : we want your opinions only.

Neil : if this is about marriage then we can talk to our partners. You know what i mean.

Avni nods.

Manik : Neil is right. Let's talk ourself then we will see.

Avni : ok! Di?

She looks at Nandini.

Nandini : i am okay with this. Don't worry.

Neil : Bhai you take Nandini to your room.

Manik nod.

Manik : come!

Nandini got up and followed him. Neil looks at Avni who was bitting her nail.

Neil : would you stay or talk in my room.

Avni looks at him.

Avni : it's fine here.

Neil nods.

Neil : what you think then?

Avni : about marriage?

Neil nods.

Avni : don't get me wrong but I always wanted husband knows me before marrying him. I wanted both us to know each other. I believe knowing and understand should be first before marrying your partner. I have seen my brother Married life . I think we should at least know each other before taking decision. In future I don't both any of us regretting after. I don't know what you think but already I can see future in you.

Neil smiled at her. He moved to her. She looks at him. He held her hand and looked in her eye.

Neil: you know we both have same thought. Even i want know each other before stepping into marriage. I also know we don't know each other much but we can give us chance. About our present and future then we can make beautiful.

Avni : even you dreamed about your future wife.

Neil laughs at her. Avni admire his laugh.

Neil : I don't dream about her but yes I do have some things I expect from her.

Avni : what's that.

Neil : you will gradually.

Avni : so are we ready for marriage.

Neil : yes.

Avni smiled at hi.

Neil : shall we introduced ourself as I don't even know what you do.

Avni : i am doctor.

Neil : you doctor?

Avni nods.

Neil : that's great. Okay! Wanna have something then we will continue with our conversation.

Avni nods.

Neil : I will make it.

Avni : you know how to cook.

Neil : any doubt. Me Bhai learnt. Sometimes business meeting we stay so.

Avni : I only how eat. Di very good at cooking but me very bad.

Neil laughs again.

Neil : no worries I will teach you. Shall we now.

Avni nods and both went to kitchen to make something.

While Manik and Nandini reached to Manik room.

Manik : please come in.

Nandini comes inside and waits for him to say something.

Manik took sit and told Nandini to sit too. Nandini sat next to him.

Manik : do you want this Marriage to happen?

Nandini looks at him.

Nandini : I don't know!

Manik : listen to your heart then decide. Nandini I know our marriage is deciding by our parents but no ones knows about something which only I Neil know.

Nandini : what's that?

Manik : before this proposal of our marriage was suggested i already liked you. I don't want Lie to you because lying before building relationship can break trust in future. I saw you once in cafe with kids. That moment I felt something which was unknown to me. I tried looking for you but couldn't get any. I will not force you into be in this relation and don't worry about my feeling. Mostly I want you know what you want.

Nandini just stared. She couldn't believe how he is.

Nandini : will accept me even knowing my past.

Manik looks at her mad could see pain.

Manik : I don't your past to ruin our future. Your past will remain past. I want you your opinion.

Nandini : I need time.

Manik : take time as much you want.

Nandini : shall we go!

Manik nods and both moves out from Manik room.

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