Chapter 5

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Before starting update I want to inform all something. I am not happy with votes as it going. Seriously I am only getting votes around 4o or what. I understand I wasn't updating since few months because of my exams but if this continues then I am sorry to say I will stop writing. It not only this story but others too. Even I don't put target for next update but if you force me then I might do it. It's take at least hour to write a chapter. Yesterday I updating "being love with superstar" as it's was requested But the vote was so low. So i have decided I only will continue to write for 4 stories until I don't feel comfortable to write others.

The story I will continue before September is:
1) magical love
2) lived happy forever
3)hold my hand
4) dil ki dhadakan

This only four stories I will write because I don't feel writing others stories when I will get less than 100 votes.

I am sorry for sounding rude or what but seeing less votes discourage me not write. I will give update for arrange Marriage as it's was requested along with Mr and Mrs Khanna. But from Friday I will not take any request from updating any others stories Accept from which I have listed above. I am saying once more If this continues then I don't know if I will write or not. All is nup to you. I know can't force you but if you can't vote then please don't read it.

Anyways here is update.
Next morning. At malthore everyone was in the hall waiting for Nandini to come. Avni was sleeping ok coach when Nandini came and saw Avni sleeping. She smiled at her sister. She kept her bag and went to couch where Avni was sleeping. She sag beside and starts creasing her hair.

Nandini: Avni wake up.

Avni didn't bugged but slept more comfortable turning her other side of sofa. Nandini smiled and looks at her parents.

Nandini : maa I should leave now. Let Avni sleep. I will speak to her later.

Neela : take care!

Nandini bid her parents and left to dehil.

In Khanna house.
Both brothers were doing their normal routine. Neil was listening to music while doing his workout whereas Manik was lost in his thoughts. Neil kept his phone aside and saw Manik lost. He took bottle of water and sat Beside Manik. He got one gulp and kept it down.

Neil : Bhai you still thinking about her.

Manik snapped his head to Neil and saw him who was waiting for answer.

Manik : Neil I told you before.

Neil : I know but why don't you try find her?

Manik: I tried but nothing is found.

Neil : Bhai do you really think she is the one for you?

Manik smiled and went to flashback.

Manik was waiting in cafe for Neil when his eye fell on girl who was busy talking to kids and making cute faces. Manik kept staring until someone tapped his shoulder. Manik looks and saw Neil standing.

Manik : when did you come?

Neil pulled chair and sat down.

Neil : when you dreaming about someone or something?

Manik : it's nothing like that.

Magical love |completed|Where stories live. Discover now