Chapter 17

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Nandini and Neil settled beside each other. Manik and Avni looks at them. Neil didn't looked at Manik and he knew Neil is acting so he kept quite.

Nandini passed bowl of pasta to Neil. He smiled and thanked her. Nandini took herself when her phone rang. She looked at caller then at Avni.

Avni : who is it Di?

Nandini : from hospital. I will be back.

Avni nods. Nandini goes to talk while Neil saw stealing glance of Avni. To break his moment Manik called his name.

Manik : Neil?

Neil ignored him. Manik again called him but this time Neil looks at Manik.

Neil : Bhai I am not in mood now.

Avni looks at him.

Manik : sorry but you should know it's wasn't his fault.

Neil : yeah right but he shouldn't informed you.

Manik : if you don't tell me then I won't know. Neil don't forget I can easily figure out your anger.

Neil : but still!

Manik : no still. You won't shout at him.

Neil :why you always support him?

Manik was going to reply when Nandini came back. She look at them.

Nandini : what happened? Why you all silent?

Hearing Nandini Neil smirked and called her which shocked Avni Ava Manik.

Neil : nothing happened bhabhi!

Manik glared Neil.

Manik : when did this happen?

Neil :what?

Manik : my dear brother don't act smart. When did you start calling Nandini bhabhi?

Neil smiled and looks at Nandini who was smiling at him.

Neil : when you left me.

Manik : Neil?

Neil : what?

Avni : can you both stop fighting over my di.

Neil and Manik looks at Avni.

Nema: we are not fighting.

Avna giggles at them.

Nandini : Avni are you going home?

Avni checked the time which showed 5pm.

Avni : no I need to go hospital. Why?

Nandini : I have night shift today.

Avni : when does it start?

Nandini : around 6.

Avni : after hour. Di we have to pick my car from Khanna industrial.

Manik : guys eat first then we will leave.

Others nods and took their bowl and starts eating pasta.

Neil : who made this? It's so yummy.

Nandini smiled.

Avni : Di made it.

Neil looks at Nandini who nods.

Neil : bhabhi you cook better than me.

Nandini : you cook?

Neil nods.

Nandini : that's great then Food competition every week.

Neil : yeah sure but I will win because Bhai is best in cooking.

Nandini looks at Manik but quickly looked back at Neil.

Nandini : we will see.

They finished eating. All settled in car to Khanna industrial. Neil was driving when his phone rang.

Neil : bhai please pick it up.

Manik nods and smiled seeing the caller.

Neil : who is it Bhai.

Manik : guess!

He picked the caller and puts on speaker.

Caller: hello!

Hearing voice Neil looks at Manik.

Neil : baby!

Now hearing him Avni looks at him through mirror.

Neil : hello, I will call you later.

Caller : are you with someone.

Neil : I am driving and Bhai with me.

Caller : Manik bhai is with you. Neil Bhai I will call in night.

Neil : sure baby. Bye.

He cuts call and looks at Manik who was waiting for to speak.

Neil: Bhai you giving that look.

Manik : what's going in Between you and cutie pie.

Neil : Bhai its nothing going on.

Manik : Neil?

Neil : bhabhi look!

Nandini : why you dragging me into this?

Neil : bhabhi you won't support me.

Nandini: I will support you but you tell me who is baby?

She asked as she saw Avni glaring him.

Neil : she is elder sister.

Avni looks at him along with Nandini.

Nandini : Manik stop shouting at Neil.

Manik also glared her to which she looked another side.

Neil : we have reach and Bhai stop glaring at bhabhi.

Manik: shut up.

All got up and went to office.

Neil : did raj went home?

Receptionist nods. Neil nods and goes to his cabin followed by others. Mukti comes not realising avna there.

Mukti : Bhai

Neil looks at mukti. Neil hugs her.

Neil : when did you come back?

Mukti : today morning.

Neil : good to see you back.

Mukti breaks hug then saw avna there.

Mukti : you guys still here.

Manik : mukti they are with us.

Mukti : Neil Bhai i came to inform you tomorrow you have to leave for dehil.

Neil : but it's was after tomorrow right.

Mukti : they changed it.

Neil : ok!

Mukti : I will inform them.

Neil nods. Mukti leaves.

Avni : Di we should get going.

Nandini nods.

Nandini : we will leave now

Neil nod and hugs her. Even Manik did to Avni. Both boys took glance of their parents before they left.

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