Chapter 41

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Avni came out of the operation room after giving another success surgery. She sighed and was going to walk to her cabin when her eye fell on her parents along with Neil family there. Seeing them in hospital didn't Sign something good.

Taking slow step she walks go them. Each steps where becoming hard to walk. She was feeling losing someone very Close to her heart. Each step of Avni heartbeat was faster.

She finally reached to them and called Nandini name quietly.

Avni : Di!

Nandini was close to Avni so she could hear her. Nandini looks up and saw Avni standing there with worried face. Nandini didn't know how to inform Avni about Neil accident. Nandini slowly got up and taking her step to Avni.

She just pulled Avni in hug and cried. Avni shocked to see Nandini crying.

Avni : Di.. what.. happened ..

Nandini breaks hug and held Avni hand. Nandini brings Avni to front of ot room. Avni was confused what's happened. She glanced one at the door and saw Neil lying there with bandages around his head and arm. Machine were attached to him.

She didn't realise when her breath got stuck and she fell down her knees. Nandini hugged her tightly. Avni didn't shed tears. She was remembering their talk in morning meeting each other after Neil meeting but what just happened.

Both family was looking at them. Manik couldn't see his love and Avni in tears. He left the hospital without knowing anyone. Nandini condition was no less too. Neil was just her brother. She loved her Neil as her brother. She remember those days both spend. She also remembered his teasing .

Avni kept quite. No tears were flowing but she was shocked to hear Neil accident. She didn't even respond when Nandini is hugging her.

They all keep praying when ot door opened. Everyone looked the doctor who came out expect Avni. Avni got up breaking hug and leaned to the door and watched Neil through the glass.

Others moves to doctor and asked about Neil condition.

Nandini : dr metha how is Neil?

Dr: dr Nandini he is fine now. He has head injury as his head hit the tree. He is absolutely fine. Nothing to worry. I advise him to take rest for week. And take care of his health too. Right now he is weak.

Swetha : can we meet him doctor.

Dr: you can but not now. He is still unconscious. We will shift him to another room then one by one you all can meet him. And dr Nandini I need to speak to him related to another case. I know you your needs you but i need you for few minutes.

Nandini : dr metha I will there.

Doctor nods and leaves. Nandini turns to see Avni but she wasn't there. As Avni heard Neil is fine she couldn't he herself and left to her cabin without knowing anyone.

Nandini : where is Avni?

Others too turns and saw Avni missing.

Bebe : she was here while ago!

Nandini : Bebe I know where she would be. Don't worry I handle her. You guys wait here until Neil is shifting to another room.

Bebe nods. Nandini leaves to meet dr metha then she thought she will see Avni.

Here another place man threw everything on the floor while other one was trying to stop.

Man1: how could this happen? I planed everything step by step then how did mr Manik Khanna didn't met with accident. Why did Neil Khanna took his car. Why? Mr Neil Khanna you messed it with me. I will destroy you both brothers. Wait and watch what I do to you both.

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