Chapter 7

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Next morning was very hustle in Khanna house as Neil shouting over his voice. Everyone Tried yo ask him the matter but he was only getting angry. Manik was not there to know what's the matter as he was Out since morning. Their parents find strange why Neil is shouting and Manik is not at home which was something their parents expect.

Sewtha and Praksh was trying to calm Neil but he was no sense to listen to anyone. He was throwing his stuff in his room. After messing his room he rushed out of the room. Praksh and Swetha called him but he didn't stop.

Neil sat in his car and drove very fast.

While Swetha saw Manik entering inside with worried face. Seeing Manik she was getting worried. Manik walks to them.

Manik : mom where is Neil?

Swetha : he is just left but what's the matter? Why Neil is angry? You also look worried!

Manik : mom I tell you later but i need to find Neil first. Dad could you do one favour book two ticket to Canada please.

Praksh : I will but tell us the Matter.

Manik : dad I promise I will explain you later. It's important to find Neil first.

Praksh nods. Manik left the House to search. Due to traffic he was getting more worried for Neil. He sighed and got off car. He kept running until he bumped to someone. The person fall and starts shouting. The person got up and starts shouting.

Person : can't you see! Are you Blind or what!

Person looks but Manik was lest bothered.

Manik : I sorry but I am in hurry.

Manik left without listening to the person. The person got angry at him and starts abusing him.

Person : what the heck he thinks of himself. I wish I never meet him.

The person stops abusing as person felt hand on shoulder. The person looks at who put hand on.

Person : Di what happened? Who are you abusing?

Nandini : don't ask Avni. I bumped to idiot.

Avni : it's fine, let's go!

Nandini nods. Both leave to hospital.

While Neil was still driving fast when his phone rang. He connected Bluetooth.

Neil : now what?

Caller : sir!

Neil : listen I don't have time for your nonsense. Speak up!

Caller : we sorry sir!

Neil : keep your sorry to yourself and don't call me until you solve it.

He cuts his phone and banged his hand on steering wheel. With another hand he ruffled his hair.

Neil : Neil you can't be weak!

He parked his car and went inside. He made his way to particular room. He opened it and saw the room was fully of picture. He sat front of one picture and creased it. It's was picture of him with Manik and vidyut.

Neil : I miss you!

He buried his face in his hand when someone kept hand on his shoulder. He looks up to see Manik.

Manik sat bedside him.

Manik : Neil you can't fall weak!

Neil : what can I do then!

Manik : Neil I can understand but what will happen to Juhi.

Neil : I don't want know how will tell her. Bhai we need to leave!

Manik : i told dad to book ticket. We will leave tonight. Neil don't lose your hope. He will be fine.

Neil : Bhai nothing should happen to him right!

Manik : nothing will happen to him.

At the same time Manik got detail of flights.

Manik : Neil let's leave to airport.

Neil wiped his tears and left with Manik.

In hospital.
Nandini was in cabin when Avni walks in. Avni sat beside her.

Avni : Di, are you still thinking about that guy!

Nandini : I Don't know.

Avni : don't worry, shall we go home now!

Nandini : hmm! Avni Listen you go. I will have shift in night. I will be late.

Avni : take care then!

Nandini nods. Avni leaves. Nandini gets back to her work.

Whereas Neil and Manik reached to Canada. Both got out airport and leave to their office.

Both reached to office but what the saw shattered them more. Neil was more shattered than anything. Whole building was caught in fire. Neil
Saw manger coming out with injures. With his heavy step he walks to him.

Neil : how did this happen?

Manger: sir we don't know how it caught fire.

Neil: how many people injury!

Manger : luckily sir no is injured as it's was office was closed today but everything is destroyed.

Neil : I can see! How did you came to know about this?

Manger : I got call for vidyut.

Neil : where is he?

Manger : he is gone police station to report.

Neil nods.

Manik : Neil I have spoke to police, they said they will find culprit. Vidyut is coming.

Neil : Bhai I wanna stay here until I don't find the culprit.

Manik : I will arrange it!

Neil: Bhai you should leave back home with vidyut!

Manik : but Neil?

Neil : Bhai mom dad is worried at home. You need to be there.

Manik nods.

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