Chapter 31

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All the guest were busy enjoying the party while Neil and manager was setting for the launch. As Neil requested media was allowed inside but only until the album launched is finished. Khanna family knew about this but malthore was clueless thinking what's happening.

Avni looking for Nandini but didn't find her so she saw Manik and thought to ask him.

She walked him to and tapped his shoulder. Manik turns and saw Avni.

Manik : what happened?

Avni : Bhai did you see Di!

Manik : no I haven't but wasn't she with you.

Avni : no she was with me when we came but after that she wasn't with me. I looking her since long time.

Manik : relax! I will check on Nandini.

Avni nods! Manik goes out the House and looks for Nandini. He was looking but couldn't find her, he was going to go back when he heard someone sniffing behind the tree. He walks and saw girl facing back to him.

Manik : excuse me!

Hearing Manik voice the girl quickly wiped his tears and got up. She turned to him. He was shocked to see Nandini crying. He cupped her face and wiped the tears which was about fall down her cheeks.

Manik : Nandini why you crying?

Nandini didn't look into his eye because she knew she won't be able to lie. She looked down.

Nandini : I am not crying!

Manik : don't lie when you can't! Why are you crying?

She moved his hand ran inside leaving Manik in angry. He is not angry because she pushed but she didn't share his problem with him.

He ruffled his hair and went inside and saw Neil and manager almost finished setting up for the launch.

Neil took mike and got attention of everybody. Everyone looked at Neil but one person was lost somewhere else.

Neil : thank you all for attending the party. Before we cut the cake I would like to say to my brother congratulation Bhai for completing your first album and following your dreams. I know how soulful your voice as you always sang whenever we both have our times and trust that's the best moment I ever spend with you. Not least I want say Manik Bhai first album is going to be release today. So are you guys ready to hear new talent of mr Manik Khanna.

The guest saying this. Neil looked at the manger and signed him to the play the song on the projector. Manager nods and played the song.

Everyone attention turned towards the projector and got lost in Manik soulful voice.

( please play the song)

The song played while someone hearing this was crying silently. No could hear the crying sound as they were lost in Manik voice. Manik was least interesting listening to his own voice when his eye fell on Nandini who was wiping her tears. Now he was sure something was disturbing her but what?

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