Chapter 78

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Next morning birds were cheering but our Avneil were peacefully sleeping in each other arms. They bodies were tangled with each other . Their body was covered with white duvet only. Sun peeped through their rooms breaking Avni beautiful sleep.

She stirred in her Sleep and tuned her body on him completely.. but soon jerked herself and opened eyes and saw Neil sleeping...

She tuned her side and hid her face in pillow..

Avni povs: shit how could I forget what happened last night... shit I should have remembered we both are not wearing anything.. how could I be foolish.. I should get ready before Neil wakes up..

She tried getting out from his hold but failed as his hold was strong on her waist. She gave up and Adore feature of his face. His lip, eyes, cheeks.. after adoring his face she placed her lip on his forehead followed by his both eyes, both Cheeks.. she blushed looking at lips when she heard his voice..

Neil : why you stopped?

She looked at him and saw him opening his eye.

Avni : you woke..

Neil : off course.. I love it when my lovely wife was kissing me and adoring me..

Hearing him she blushed and kept her head on his bare chest...

Avni : Neil.. let me go..

Neil : not so soon.. I mean my morning dose is still incomplete..

She blushed hearing him and hid her face in his chest. Neil smiled at her.

Avni : Neil let me go na!

Neil : not without getting my dose. The much you make delay you will bear me.. come give me...

Without saying anything she lifted her head and placed her lips on his. He smirked and kissed her back..

Breaking kiss she again hid herself in his chest. He smiled and caressed her hair.

Neil : Avni!

She hummed while drawing pattern on his chest.

Neil : I love you! Thank you for last night..

Avni smiled and didn't say anything. She Stayed quiet.

Neil: let's fresh up!

Avni nods and moved her heard on from his chest. She covered herself with duvet around her body and walked to washroom. Neil smiled looking at her going. He got up and took his trouser and wore it.

He picked their clothes and kept on couch and turned back to Washroom door and saw Avni coming while wiping her hairs. Both passed smiled to each other. Avni went to dressing table while Neil went to take shower..

Avni was brushing her hair. She blushed remembering last night. Neil came out after having shower and saw her blushing. He walked to her and took her in back hug and whispered.

Neil : remembering our night.

Hearing his huskily voice she shivered and looked at him through mirror..

Avni : you didn't wore your clothes.. no office today..

Neil turned and pecked her forehead.

Neil : why you want to send me office? Why not we both should spend time?

Avni : not today! I'm going out with Di!

Neil : when did this happen?

Avni : what do you mean?

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