Chapter 62

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Avni stood front of Neil room and knocked. Inside the room was resting when he heard knock. He signed.

Neil : come in, door is open!

As Avni heard his voice. She pushed the door and came inside and saw him resting his head to headboard with closed eyes.

Few minutes later She called his name.

Avni : Neil ?

Hearing Avni voice Neil opened his eye and looks at her.

Neil : you here!

Avni : woh.. aunty asked me to check on you as you have headache.

Neil : headache?

He was confused but the realised Manik might have lied to them.

Avni : Manik said you have. Should I bring tea for you

Neil : no it's fine! Avni if you don't mind I say something.

Avni : hmm!

Neil : sit here.

Avni nods and moves to bed and sat opposite him. He held her hand. After week and few day both touched others hand.

Neil looks at her who had head down.

Neil : I want to talk to you about something. It's important!

Avni looks up hearing his serious voice.

Neil : are you free at evening.

Avni : yeah!

Neil : can we meet in restaurant. I mean only if you want. I need to tell you something which I can't say at home.

Avni: is it serious matter!

Neil nods.

Neil : don't worry to much. I will handle it but I am making you aware of it.

Avni nods.

Avni : are you coming down or staying here.

Neil thought for moment.

Neil : I'll come!

Avni nods. Neil removed duvet over his leg and got up followed by Avni. Both walked downstairs together.

They both reached in hall where others were. Seeing them together two people got jealous.

Swetha : Neil you okay!

Neil : yes mom.

Neil sat next to Manik And whispered him.

Neil : did witch said anything about me.

Manik : she did! Ignore her it's better.

Neil nods. Neil looks dhruv who was busy gazing Avni. He then looks at avni who is talking to Nandini.

Neil : Avni!

He called her taking others attention.

Avni : yeah!

Neil : could you make tea for me please.

Avni nods and moves there. Dhruv glared Neil but he smirked at him.

Others continued talking when Neil sneak to kitchen without letting know anyone. He saw Avni making tea when he coughed to get her attention.

Avni turns and saw him.

Avni : you want something.

Neil : no i only came to see you.

Avni didn't replied him and continue making tea for him. Neil knew she won't say anything until he makes it up. He only had hope thinking this evening he will clear his Misunderstanding with her.

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