Chapter 75

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Manik stopped his car front of House. Manik looked back and saw Neil lost in his thought.

Manik : Neil we reached!

Hearing Manik voice Neil looked at Manik.

Neil : Bhai you wait, I'll come.

Manik : I won't leave you alone. I'm coming with you.

Neil nods as he didn't wanted to waste any time. Manik told Nandini to stay in car. Neil and Manik walked to house. Neil looked at Manik. Manik ringed bell and waited.

Door opened showing a lady standing there and confused seeing them.

Lady : yes how are you?

Neil : is this dhruv house?

Lady : yes but who are you?

Manik : we will tell you who we are but before that could you call dhruv .

Lady : sorry but dhruv is not at home.

Neil : do you have any idea where he could be?

Lady : I'm sorry but I really don't know where he could be?

Neil : since how long he was here for?

Lady : week now!

Neil : thank you! Bhai lets go!

Manik : Neil!

Neil : Bhai lets go!

Manik nods and follows Neil while the lady was confused seeing them at her house. Closing door she went inside.

Manik and Neil sat back in car. Nandini looked at them.

Nandini : Manik did you find anything!

Manik nods no! Manik Starts driving while Neil kept his head down and remembered Avni smiling face.. he was remembering morning their romance. He smiled while remembering it. He got teary eyes remembering Avni.

Manik stopped car suddenly. Nandini and Neil looked at Manik.

Neil : Bhai what happened? Why you stopped here?

Manik : I think car is fail. We can't got any future.

Neil gets out of the car and looks around to see anyone of there could get any help. Manik too comes and looks at Neil who was standing keeping his Both hands in pocket.

Manik : Neil!

Neil looks at him.

Neil : Bhai why this happened to her? Why she had to gone to this? I know it's my mistake. Bhai I can't lose her... because of my Mistake I can't lose her...

Manik : it's not your fault Neil! He escaped Neil.

Neil : Bhai why he did come back?

Manik : Neil this is not time think why he is back but we need to find Where could we find him....

Neil stopped as he was going to speak and thought something.

Neil : Bhai sharma uncle!

Manik : Sharma uncle? What about him?

Neil without saying anything he got in car and took his phone and dialled a number. Nandini and Manik watched him.

Neil : uncle I need your help!

Sharma uncle : Neil how can I help you?

Neil : uncle could tell where would dhurv be!

Sharma uncle : Neil beta but dhurv is with his friend in London.

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