Chapter 55

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As Neil left Avni cried yelling his name but her yell didn't reached to him. Avni sat on Sofa and cried hugged her knees.

While other side Neil was driving tying to find Manik. He knew Manik would do anything in his anger. He turned his

Aryaman took Nandini to cliff and stood there holding her hair. He hand gun pointed her head.

Aryaman looks at Nandini who was crying badly and begging him to leave her.

Aryaman : you know what if you can't be mine then you can't be Manik. I loved you but you Rejected me why? Am I not your worthy it! I am better than Manik. Leave him and come to me. You will have happy life with me. Nandini just forget Manik.

Nandini was only crying. She was only thinking about her and Manik moments. Nandini took her courage and looks at him.

Nandini : you... want.. to.. know.. who I will be with then listen its Always be Manik.

Hearing Manik name from Nandini. He just slapped her. Nandini chuckled.

Nandini : you want only sleep with me not love me. Don't want this life where there is no love..

He again slapped her but she didn't cared about the pain.

Nandini : why you only slapping me? Don't you want to kill me. You know you just coward that why you couldn't face my Manik. He will kill you.

Aryaman : he is not yours. You're only mine. No!

Nandini feared hearing his shout.

Nandini : shout much as you want but you can't change the fact. My Manik will come and rescue me from you...

She again got slapped.

Aryaman : enough of your nonsense. Now will see what I can do.

Saying this he threw the guy and held her hand tightly and tried kissing her but couldn't as someone pulled so hard and punched. Nandini looks at the person and saw Manik standing there along with harshad who was losing conscious.

Nandini : Manik!

She whispered. Manik looks at Aryaman who was lying on the floor. Manik held him from his collar and again punched him.

Manik : how fucking dare to touch Nandini. She is not your property. How dare you?? I will kill you.

He starts punching aryaman when Aryaman held Manik hand and punched him.

Aryaman : you can't hit me. What have I done. I was only kissing her....

He again punched from Manik.

Manik : dare to say another word or will see me worst.

Aryaman : you can't stop me from making Nandini mine.

Manik lost his control and Pushed on the car mirror but was hold by Neil. Neil Reached there.

Neil : bhai!

Manik : Neil leave him and let him die.

Neil moved to Manik and tried controlling him but it's was too late. Manik anger was no limit now. Even Neil feared himself. Manik got hold of aryaman starts punching.

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