Chapter 24

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Next morning Neil woke up early and stretched his body. He turns his face to table and picks his phone. He dialled number but the call went unanswered.
He tried few times. Lastly he heard her Sleepy voice. He clucked bit and waited for her to say something.

While other side Avni was sleeping due to being tried and not getting enough sleep. Today she had day off so she thought she would sleep all day but phone disturb her. She stretched arm and grabbed the phone and kept behind her ear.

Avni( sleepy voice): hello, who?

Neil chucked at her.

Neil : you forgot me so easily madam.

Hearing his voice she sat straight up and looked at caller name. She bit her lip and closed her eye.

Neil : have you got plan to speak or sleep again.

Avni opened her eye.

Avni : i am not sleeping.

Neil : then why you not replying me?

Avni : Neil please.

Neil : okay sorry but I wanted to ask you something.

Avni : go ahead.

Neil : are you free, actually I wanted you to visit my office today with bhabhi.

Avni : i have day off but don't Know about Di.

Neil : could ask her please and come around lunch time.

Avni : ok, the way Neil how was meeting.

Neil : its was great. I got the deal.

Avni : congrats.

Neil : thank you. Listen I will see in office then I have to leave now.

Avni : bye.

Both cut the call. After talking to Avni Neil called Juhi to come office today. He then went to fresh up. Soon he came out and stood front of the mirror and dried hair with his towel. After getting setting his hair, he walked out of the door. He was busy in his phone when he bumped to someone. He held his head and looks at person who he collided with.

Neil : Bhai can't you walk

Manik glares him.

Manik : shouldn't I be asking same question to you. What's so important in phone which you can't leave gaze?

Neil : I am sending email to Juhi about new presentation. And I am not always sticking to my phone. It's you!

Manik : ok fine Neil Khanna it's me who is into phone. Happy! Anyway it's great I met you here. I have to meet music director as I need to record song before this months ends so I won't be attending office until afternoon or maybe late than that. Please handle it in my absence. I know I don't need to tell you but I am telling as you are busy with your deals plus I am not there. And before I leave I am warning you don't you dare to say Anything raj or shout at any stuff.

Neil makes whatever face hearing his last line.

Neil : I don't shout at them with any reason. Bhai it's too much when they don't compete work plus the they lie saying it's compete but reality it's not. You know how much I hate lies.

Manik : I know but Neil getting angry on them won't benefit you.

Neil : I will try not get angry. I think we should move down as mom dad must be waiting.

Manik nods. Both went to downstairs to see Swetha and Prakash having breakfast. Swetha saw them.

Swetha : manu tillu come have your breakfast.

Both nods nods and took their seat. Swetha starts serving them. Manik informed his parents about recording song. Sewtah and Prakash were happy seeing Manik following his dream. After having Breakfast Neil and Manik got up and moved to outside. Neil settled in his car and waited for Manik to sit as Manik got call from manger.

Manik ended call and got in and smiled at Neil.

Neil : shall we!

Manik nods. Neil dropped Manik then went to office.

While Malthore mansion.

Avni after talking to Neil she went back to sleep when Nandini walked inside holding cup of coffee. She smiled seeing Avni sleeping. She kept the cup on table and sat beside. She removed duvet over Avni face bit and creased her hair.

Nandini : Avni wake up.

Avni snugged more into duvet and covered her face again. Nandini smiled but Soon smirked. She bent down and whispered in her ear.

Nandini : don't you want to wake up but what will I say to Neil who is here to meet you.

Hearing Nandini Avni eye shot open and looks at Nandini. Rubbing her eye.

Avni : is he really here?

Nandini : no my dear but I am glad hearing Neil name you woke up.

Avni blushed bit but hid it and glares at Nandini.

Avni : Di please don't tease me.

Nandini : what please? You love sleeping but now we can use Neil name to wake you up.

Avni threw pillow and ran to washroom while Nandini giggled seeing Avni. She got up and made the bed. While She was doing this when her phone rang. She stopped what she was doing and picked her phone up.

Nandini : hello Neil.

Neil : hello bhabhi, I wanted to ask you something.

Nandini: don't hesitate, say it!

Neil : I wanted to know if you free today by any chance.

Nandini : sorry Neil but it's not possible for me today but it's everything okay.

Neil : yeah bhabhi it is. Actually I asked Avni if you both could come to office in afternoon but it's fine if you can't make it.

Nandini : anything important!

Neil : not much important but it was related to Bhai.

Nandini : what happened to Manik?

Neil smiled over the phone.

Neil : nothing has happened to Bhai. I was planing for bhai surprise so thought sharing it with you and Avni.

Nandini : does Avni knows this?

Neil : no but I asked her to come. Anyway where is she?

Nandini : she is getting ready.

Neil : ok bhabhi. I will talk to you later. Bye!

Nandini : bye!

She cuts call and heard washroom door opening. Avni came out and looks at Nandini who kept her phone down. Avni walks to dressing table and starts doing her hair. Nandini walked to Avni.

Nandini : are you going to meet Neil?

Avni looks at her while putting her bracket on.

Avni : how do you know di!

Nandini : Neil called asking if I am free or not.

Avni nods.

Avni : sorry Di I forgot to ask you so are coming then.

Nandini : I can't make it today as I have children department to handle.

Avni : I can understand.

Nandini : you get ready. I have to leave now. And ask kaka for cup coffee again.

Avni nods. Nandini takes cup and goes out the room while avni finished getting ready. She checked her phone to see any message but there was no message. She kept her phone in her bag and took file and left her room.

Sorry for not updating since week as I was busy plus i am being lazy to update but don't worry from tomorrow I will update others too.

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