Chapter 13

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After Khanna family left. Avna moved to their. They were both their room and thinking about their future.

Avni was lying down when her phone rang. She turned other side and checked the call.

Avni : why is di calling now?

She picked it up.

Avni : hello Di, are you okay !

Nandini : come and meet me on Terence.

Avni : Di it's late.

Nandini : I want share something. Please doll come.

Avni sensed something serious or Nandini or Cabir couldn't call her doll.

Avni : Di I will be there in five minutes.

Avni cuts call. She gets up and wore her slipper and went to terrace. She saw Nandini standing facing back. She walks and stood beside Nandini.

Nandini senses Avni presence but kept quiet. Avni looks at her.

Avni : what you wanna share Di?

Nandini : do you want this marriage.

Avni : I don't know but why you asked?

Nandini : Avni I have seen you, Neil with different spark. I mean when he wasn't there you were restless even he with him something . I know how we both will getting married but you say do you wanna marry him.

Avni : Di it's not marrying him but the thing is I don't know him any well. Di you know how I wanted my future Husband to be. I still need to time to think about getting married to him. I don't want rush anything and later we both regret.

Nandini : speak to papa and ma about this. Whatever you decide I will be with you.

Avni : I know di. Can I ask you something.

Nandini : I never stopped you. Ask!

Avni : are you ready to marry.

Nandini : that's the problem with me. Will he accept me knowing my past. Doll you know it's hard for me to trust anyone men than Bhai and papa. About him I don't know. We both have heard lot about them but still I have fear What will happen after knowing my past.

Avni : di we should let our past ruin our future and present. I have met Manik and I think he is good person.

Nandini : I am not saying he is not but I am stuck between my past and present.

Avni : Di you should tell him then. If you tell him then and I am sure he will listen.

Nandini : i can't share it until I can't trust.

Avni : Di should we talk to them. We should find what they feeling toward marriage.

Nandini : how can we meet them. We don't have their number.

Avni : Di we should visit their office. I know where it is.

Nandini : have you done research on them or what?

Avni smiled at her.

Avni : one of my friend works there. You remember dimple who was in our collage. She works there.

Nandini : I thought she left this city.

Avni : she has but once I dropped her so I know.

Nandini: shall we tell this our parents.

Avni : not yet Di. Let's confirm what they want then we will take decision.

Nandini nods.

Avni : shall we go to sleep now. I am tried.

Nandini : let's go!

Both goes back to Their and sleeps thinking about tomorrow.

While in Khanna boys were sitting in their private place. They have many secret place. After leaving malthore house both informed their parent and came here.

Both were sitting and watching some news channel. When Neil asked something to Manik.

Neil : Bhai are going to marry Nandini. I mean you like her and always you wanted to see her again. After knowing what will you decide?

Manik shift his gaze from tv to Neil.

Manik : she doesn't even I have feeling for her but looking at her I can sense something that she is not ready. I don't know what will happen next but I know i will only marry her.

Neil : Bhai take wise decision. We should leave now.

Manik : wait. Why so hurry to go. I know you already told me about your opinion but after hearing the reason why our partner wants us to marry so what have you thought.

Neil : my answer is same Bhai. I need to know her Properly then I will decide if she capable for me and my family.

Manik : leave all this. Tell me first have starts liking her or not.

Neil : it's not about liking her. If we destined to be together then we will be. Let's not talk about this. We need to leave now.

Manik: why so hurry to go? What's the matter.

Neil : have meeting Tomorrow with Canada clients.

Manik : are they same one.

Neil nods.

Manik : you will get the deal. Is Juhi coming tomorrow or not.

Neil : she is off for two weeks.

Manik : who will handle your work?

Neil : I will manage.

Manik : let's stay here. We leave from here.

Neil nods. Both chatted bit and went to sleep.

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