Chapter 53

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Manik was waiting for commissioner in cabin when his phone rang. He took his phone and saw caller Id. He frowned seeing unknown number but he picked it not before doing something.

Manik : hello! Who is this?

Caller : what's so hurry mr Khanna?

Manik : you? Why did you call?

Caller : don't you think you lost your Memory. Mr Khanna I think you forgot me but I haven't,

Manik : what do you want?

Caller : I only want to destroy you.

Manik : destroying me its not easy. You have been trying since how many years but as usual you fail. Now don't waste my time.

Caller Laughs over the phone making Manik more angry.

Caller : Manik Khanna you count down has already started.

Manik : you know what mr harshad saxena you haven't seen real Manik Khanna. Time will tell whose bad day has started. Good bye.

Manik cuts call and call someone.

Manik : I am sending you number track this quick. Don't repeat your mistake this time.

He cuts call and walks in the cabin. He turned as he heard door opening. He sighed and walks to commissioner.

Manik : what took you so long?

Com: mr Khanna we have Job too so please.

Manik : whatever is I don't care. Last time I told you it's was your responsibility to keep harshad in jail.

Com: Manik even we don't know how he escaped.

Manik : cut all this off and find him. Because of your guys careless he kidnapped my brother and Nandini. Trust me if anything to them then you are gone.

Manik stormed out of cabin and drove to Khanna House.

Manik got off his car and was going to his room but stopped at Neil room door as he heard someone crying. Manik pushed the door and went inside to see Avni crying holding Neil photo.

He went to her and sat beside her. Avni was lost herself that she didn't realised when Manik sat next to her.

She felt hand on her shoulder. She whispered herself but Manik heard it.

Avni : Neil!

Avni looks up from photo and saw Manik.

Avni : Neil? Bhai where is he?

Manik wiped her tears.

Manik : soon he will be with you. That's my promise. I won't let anyone harm Neil.

Avni : what about Di?

Manik : I will find Neil and Nandini too. Could you please do me favour.

Avni nods.

Manik : could give me photo of aryaman.

Avni : aryaman!

Manik : hmm!

Avni : but isn't he in jail.

Manik decided to tell Avni full truth about Nandini telling him how aryaman is out of jail and messaging Nandini back.

Avni was shocked to hear that. She couldn't believe it he is back to destroy Nandini life again. Avni wiped her tears and looks at Manik.

Avni : I want to come too.

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