Chapter 18

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Avni and Nandini reached hospital and went straight to finish looking after patient.

Avni finished her work before Nandini. Avni was sitting in her cabin when she decided to give Call. She picked her phone and remembered how Manik gave Neil number to her. She waited to be picked up when she heard his voice.

Avni : hello, it's Avni.

Neil : hi Avni.

Avni : I want to ask something.

Neil : yeah go ahead.

Avni : what are you hiding?

Neil : I am not hiding anything. Why did you if I am hiding something?

Avni : then why didn't you talked to your sister in car front of us.

Neil now understood about what she meant.

Neil : you expect me to talk front of Bhai.

Avni : but what's the problem talking front of Bhai.

Neil smiled hearing bhai from her.

Neil : are free today.

Avni : we just meet.

Neil : I know but tell me are you free.

Avni : after one hour but why?

Neil : okay meet me by my office after hour. I will tell there why I want to meet you.

Avni : okay! Bye.

She cut call and puts her head on table.

Avni povs: why do I fell this relation won't work. Is it me who is thinking too much.

She was thinking when someone knocked. She sat straight and told the person to come. Seeing the person Avni got and hugged the person. The person was shocked to see Avni Likes this.

Person : what happened?

Avni broke hug and looks.

Avni : Di Nothing has happened.

Nandini : you will lie to me.

Avni : even if I tell you. You will go inform your devar.

Nandini : why will complain to my daver. Did he say something to you.

Avni nods.

Nandini : then why you saying this?

Avni : I don't know I feel he is hiding something.

Nandini : Avni try to understand him too. Maybe it's was something else. Do you trust him.

Avni : i do but this feeling is not letting me.

Nandini : I came to inform you that I won't come today at all. Tell maa.

Avni : why?

Nandini : you know kids ward. I need to look after them.

Avni : do you want me to stay with you.

Nandini : I will manage. Plus you have early shift too.

Avni : you sure na.

Nandini : yes baba. You going home or staying here.

Avni : will be going home but I need to go Khanna industrial.

Nandini : why to Khanna industrial?

Avni : Neil wants to meet him. But don't why?

Nandini : okay. Take care then!

Avni nods.

Nandini : I will leave. You leave too.

Avni nods. Nandini leaves while Avni takes her bag and leaves to Khanna industrial.

Neil was in his cabin when his phone rang. Seeing his phone he smiled.

Neil : just give me minute. I will be there.

He cuts call without listening not knowing what will happen. He walked out his cabin and informed receptionist saying that if Manik ask then inform he is gone out. Receptionist nods. Neil leaves after giving smile.

He came out office and saw Avni leaning near her car. He walked her.

Neil : hello!

Avni Looks at him and glared him.

Neil : do you love glaring me?

Avni : you got my call before I could speak.

Neil : I am sorry. Shall we leave.

Avni nods but didn't say word.

Boy say in Avni car and Avni was driving.

Neil : I am sorry. I was in hurry to meet you.

Avni : why is that? I thought you already had girlfriend.

Neil : what girlfriend? I don't have one. Plus I am already committed to someone.

Avni looks at hearing his last line.

Neil: yes i am. Trust me it's only you. Avni you don't have to insure about me. I am only yours, I know we taking slow but I consider you only girl in my life.

Avni already had Tears. Neil wiped them.

Neil : don't cry. I will tell you everything whatever you want. Drive now.

Avni nods and focus on driving.

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