Chapter 74

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Manik walks inside and saw everyone waking Forward and backward and calling someone. He frowned seeing all this. Chucking his thoughts he goes inside and looked at Bebe.

Manik : Bebe who are all you trying to call?

Bebe : Manik Avni!

Manik : Avni? Where is she?

Nandini : she Went to meet her friend but hasn't returned back..

Manik : how long she has been out?

Nandini : 5 hours!

Manik : what? Did you call Neil! Maybe she is there!

Nandini : I thought she wouldn't go there as Neil is busy.

Manik : let me call Neil!

Nandini nod and calls Avni again but it went unreachable. Manik kept his stuff on sofa and took his Phone out and called Neil.

Here in office Neil was working on his laptop when his Phone rang. He moved his gaze from laptop to his phone and saw Manik calling. He picked his phone and kept near his ear and kept typing.

Neil : haan Bhai!

Manik : Neil are you alone or someone is with you.

Neil : I'm by myself bhia! What Happened bhai?

Manik : Neil did Avni to meet you!

Neil : no she didn't but she messaged saying she is going to meet her friend. Why Bhai? Why you asking all this?

Manik : Neil Avni Hasn't returned home yet.

Neil : she hasn't! How is possible? Did you call her?

Manik : we did but her phone is unreachable. We though she might be with you.

Neil : Bhai I'm coming home now! You keep trying her Number.

Neil Kept the phone down and Closed laptop. Taking his phone he walked to his car. He sat in car and stars trying call Avni number.

Neil : why the heck her phone is off now? Where are you Avni? Hope you safe!

Neil starts driving to home while trying to call someone to find find Avni locations.

Neil reached home and quickly got out without parking the car. He walked inside with worried face.

Neil : bhai!

Everyone turns to him and saw him panting as he ran.

Manik : her phone is off now! Did you get any clue!

Neil : Babhbi tell when did Avni leave? Did she say whose house is going to go.

Nandini : me Bebe and Avni were talking when her phone rang. She said she wants to meet her friend and said she will be back soon. She returned yet.. I'm scared where she could he be?

Neil : Babhbi do you have Avni friends number.

Nandini : yeah I do!

Neil : quickly Babhbi give to me!

Nandini nods and gives her Phone to Neil. Neil quickly took his phone and called few friends of Avni but only one answer he got that she wasn't there.

Neil threw his phone and held his head.

Neil : where she could be? ...Babhbi did you call malthore house.

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