Chapter 6

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After informing Neela Avni sat in car and starts driving. While driving she talked to Nandini and also informed about meeting her friend. Both sister talked while and cut call as Nandini had to go.

Avni switch the radio and starts listening to music while driving. Soon she reached to cafe. She parked her car. When she was going to inside when she spotted someone. Seeing that person Avni sat back in car and hid herself.

Avni povs: god what's he is doing here. This boy never stops coming here. God please make him understand I don't love him. Yea you heard me right. It's was three yeas ago he proposed me but I rejected him. Off Course I will not accept Any random proposal. My heart is already belongs to someone. It's not true that I love someone or not but I heart belongs to my future Husband. I won't give anyone his place. I know I must stupid but I believe my heart belongs to him as I heard my parents talking. They love story is so beautiful. I know my prince is waiting for me like I am. But this stupid guy has ruin things. Why he is here. I have told me not follow me but he doesn't listen. He visits all the place where I go. Once I get married I make sure my husband beats him hell out. God please help me.

She was thinking all this when her phone rang. She looks at caller and saw Nandini calling her. She picked it.

Avni : hello di!

Nandini : where are you?

Avni : Di I am in the cafe but why?

Nandini : I am sorry but could me do one favour please.

Avni : Di don't say please. What can I do for you?

Nandini: actually some staff is off from hospital so if you could take their place until I come back.

Avni : Di it's fine I will handle here. You take care there. Anything else di.

Nandini : Avni are you sure You In cafe.

Avni : ye..ah..di

Nandini : really. Tell what's the matter?

Avni : sorry di. Actually he is here.

Nandini : what. Don't tell you went meet him.

Avni : I didn't. I have told his crazy obsession for me.

Nandini : did he see you.

Avni : no!

Nandini : what are you going to do then?

Avni : I don't know.

Nandini : can you see him or he is gone.

Avni looks out side of window and didn't see him.

Avni : Di I think he went.

Nandini : quickly go inside.

Avni : bye Di!

Avni slowly got out and slowly starts walking when she bumped to someone and fell down. Avni rubbed her forehand with her hand. The person also gave hand to Avni. Avni looks at the person. She held hand and got up.

Person : I am sorry, I was busy reading my email. Are you okay?

Avni : i am sorry too. I don't notice you.

Person : if you don't mind can I ask you something.

Avni nods.

Person : why you walking slowly. I mean like secretly. Hope you don't mind me asking that.

Avni : I was trying to hide from Someone. And I don't mind!

Both smiled at each other.

Person : sorry once again.

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