Chapter 76

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Manik stopped as he saw police car and taking Dhruv inside. He walked go police hands Mithal to them.

Manik : thank you officer coming on time.

Officer : it's was our duty mr Khanna!

Police after taking Dhruv and Mithal. Manik looked around to find Neil but couldn't see him. He ruffled his hair.

Manik : god this boy na! Hope he doesn't do anything stupid. Where could he be.. let me check our place.

Manik walked more future and took auto and went to their place. He thanked the drive and went inside.

He went and saw lights off. He signed and walked to switch and turned it on.

Manik walked to Neil's room and saw lights off again.

Manik : Neil are inside the room.

Manik didn't get answer but could her small sniff. Hearing sniff he guessed his Neil was here only where both brothers gets peace after fighting or whatever happens which they want peace.

Manik : Neil it's not your fault.

Saying this he switched the light on and saw Neil sitting in corner of his room holding photo and crying. Manik wiped his tears seeing him crying. He walked to Neil and kept his hand on his shoulder.

Neil : Bhai.... please...,. Leave ..... me.... alone..,

Manik sat Beside him and looked at Neil and Avni wedding picture which Neil was holding.

Manik : how can you think I would leave when you need me? Neil I know we both married but that doesn't mean we will forget we were best friends then brothers... you really well know we both can't hid pain from each other then why you trying too... it's not easy Neil I know... I have experienced with Nandini myself..... Neil I can understand what you feeling... Neil sitting here and crying won't do anything. She needs you Neil... she needs you The most Neil.... she is in pain too.....

Neil stopped crying and Looked at Manik.

Neil : Bhai..... why... this... happens.... to us...

Manik pulled him in hug and rubbed his back..

Manik : don't cry... you don't good crying.... it's shocking to see Neil Khanna crying....

Neil Laughed bit and hit Manik arm. Manik smiled and broke hug.

Manik : no stop crying... go home.. Avni must be waiting for you... I know you don't to go but Neil you being with her will help her to recover.i also you know you blaming yourself but trust me it's not your fault... I know Avni got best husband to protect her... don't say anything about my brother. He is best... now come let's go home...

Neil : Bhai I don't want to go...

He looked down and stared his picture with Avni. Manik sighed and looked at Neil.

Manik : why... because you think you failed to save her....

Neil : yes I failed today... didn't you see how she was crying.... I don't want face her...

Manik : you coming With me.. I won't hear no from you..

Manik took the photo and placed it bed carefully and held Neil hands. He took Neil to his car and looked at him.

Manik : sit in the car!

Neil : i won't!

Manik : Neil don't stubborn head.

Neil : you Being stubborn not me..

Manik glared him.

Manik : get inside before I push you in...

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