Chapter 56

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Next morning wasn't pleasant for anyone.

Avni was sleeping when sun ray peeped through disturbing her sleep. With difficult she opened her eyes and looks to see herself in bed. She knew Neil Brought it Here. Avni looks at the couch and saw him sleeping. Seeing him there sleeping a tear slipped. She quickly wiped it off and went to washroom.

Neil heard washroom door shutting. He wasn't sleeping at all because he was worried thinking about Manik words and Avni condition. He knows it's was his mistake leaving Avni alone when she needed him the most. Neil regretted what he did last night.

He closed his eye again when he heard washroom door opening. Avni walked out while washing her face. She looks at him again but looked away quickly.

She kept the towel and moved to him.
She sat on her knee and was going to kiss his forehead but stopped.

Avni : you hurts me a lot Neil. Where did I go wrong. Yesterday you didn't even see my cry or worried. You only cared for bhai. I am not saying you shouldn't but what's my place in your life. Am I not important to you Neil. Leave all this you didn't even cared how I was.

Avni got up while wiping her tears and walked out room. As she left Neil opened his eye and let his tears come. He was controlling his tears when she was sharing her pain.

Neil got up and wiped his tears.

Neil : I have failed you and bhai. I am sorry. I am sorry Avni i didn't see you in pain. It's all my fault. I will make it up too.

He got and went washroom.

While In guest room Nandini opened her eyes and looks at herself as she clearly remembered she was in shower.

Then her eye fell on Manik who was sleeping. With one hand dangling down. Nandini got teary eye seeing him like that.

Nandini povs: because of me he is suffering. It's all my fault. I can't even tell when I starts falling you Manik but who loved girl who is broken herself. You deserve someone better than me. Manik you supported every time but I only give you pain. Why this only happens with me. Am I that bad. Because of me my family suffered too.

She wiped her tears and walks to him. She held his hand.

Nandini : I need to leave you. It's Better for us being away. Sorry Manik I can't stay with you. I will only love you. I miss you a lot.

She kissed his forehead and walks out of room.

Manik was so much tried didn't realised what just happened.

In kitchen Avni was masking drink when Nandini walks in. Avni gave smile seeing Nandini.

Avni : di are you okay!

Avni doesn't exact what happened last night.

Nandini hugged her.

Nandini : your di is fine. Don't worry!

Avni : you want something.

Nandini : I wanna use your phone.

Avni nods and give her phone. Nandini dialled number. Avni could only hear Nandini side.

Avni finished making drink and poured it in glass. Nandini cuts call and gives it back to Avni.

Avni : Di are you going somewhere.

Nandini: hmm! Some important case.

Avni : here you go!

Avni gives her glass of juice. Nandini thanked her.

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