Chapter 44

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Next morning Nandini was sleeping in her cabin when sun rays peeped through breaking her sleep. She slowly opened her eye and looked at couch and smiled seeing Manik sleeping there. She stood from her Chair and walks to Manik. She sat on her knee and caressed his Face. Feeling fingers on his face Manik opens his eye and looks at Nandini.

Nandini smiled. Manik sat straight up and bent down to kiss her forehead.

Manik : good morning!

Nandini : good morning Manik!

Manik : what's the time?

Nandini : 7 am!

Manik : I think I should inform others to come!

Nandini nods.

Nandini : i will fresh up until!

Manik nods. Nandini goes to washroom in her cabin and washed her face.

Soon she out and saw Manik looking outside of window. She sat beside him and kept her head on his shoulder.

Manik smiled at her.

Nandini : you told them!

Manik nods! At the same time Nandini phone rang. She got up and moved to her desk and checked her phone. Seeing caller name she smiled brightly. Manik was confuse seeing her smiling looking at Phone.

Nandini picked her phone and kept to her ear.

Nandini : hello, you got time for me!

Caller : sorry but got busy with work.

Nandini : it's fine! I know how busy you are!

Caller : thank you baby understanding me but you tell are you at home or hospital.

Nandini : hospital why?

Caller : actually I am trying to call Avni since morning but she isn't reviving my call. I was just worried.

Nandini : Bhai she must sleeping!

Cabir : sleeping in hospital?

Nandini : Bhai actually Neil met with accident so Avni is with him.

Cabir: how did this happen? How is he now?

Cabir knows about Nandini and Avni marriage being fixed.

Nandini : slow down bhai! Neil is fine, just his head is injured. If you want to talk to Avni then I will ask her to call you.

Cabir : no it's fine. I called you to let you know I am coming back to Mumbai.

Nandini : really! Avni would gone nade hearing this.

Cabir : don't tell, it will be surprise for Avni.

Nandini : done bhai. Bhai I will speak to later.

Cabir : take care of yourself and others too.

Nandini : bye!

Nandini cuts call and looks at Manik who was smiling at her. She walks to him.

Nandini : sorry! It's was Bhai!

Manik : it's fine!

Nandini : we should check Avni and Neil.

Manik nods. Both leaves towards Neil room. Nandini opened the door and smiled seeing the scene. Manik behind Nandini so didn't noticed. Seeing Nandini face he looks at her.

Manik : why are you smiling?

Nandini look at him.

Nandini : come inside and see yourself.

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