Chapter 73

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A week passed since Manan and avneil were married. Both couple were happy with each other but who know happiness doesn't stay too long. In one week Neil and Manik joined back to office due to work and deals they had. Avni and Nandini agreed to Neil and Manik as they asked if they okay if they join office back. They asked Nandini Avni this because thinking they may feel bad as they won't get time to spend time with them. Avni and Nandini insured they okay for them to join office back.

It's was Monday when Neil opened his eye and saw Avni sleeping over him. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He carefully made her sleep on bed and went to washroom. He got cold shower and came out to see Avni rubbing her eyes. He smiled and moved to bed.

Neil : good morning!

Avni moved her hands from her eyes and looks at Neil then closed her eye again. Neil got confused seeing her closing her eye again. He sat on bed and called Avni name.

Neil : Avni! Opens your eye!

Avni nods no!

Neil : why?

Avni : you wear something!

Neil : huh! What wear?

Avni : Neil wear your Clothes.

Neil looks at himself and realised he is still in towel. Neil smirked seeing her Like that.

Neil : why you don't you change it?

Avni : Neil!!!

Neil : okay don't scream I'm going!

Neil got up and moved to Closet. He back wearing his Trousers and shirt in his hand along with his tie and blazer. Avni already opened her eye and looks at him.

Avni : why you didn't wear your shirt?

Neil : when my wifey is here then why should I wear it myself. Help me!

Avni nods and gets off bed and walks to him. Neil gave her shirt and kept blazer and tie on bed. Neil held her waist and pulled her to him. Avni made him wear his shirt and starts buttoning while Neil was nuzzling her nose.

Avni : Neil stop it!

Neil kept doing it when Avni pushed him and took tie from bed and tied around his neck. She ruffled his hair. He smiled.

Avni took blazer and made him wear it.

Avni : handsome!

Neil smiled and pulled her by her waist.

Neil : i know right!

Avni : hmm!

She played with his shirt button.

Neil : Listen I'll be late so don't wait for me.

Avni : what time?

Neil : hmm! Around 12! Eat and sleep. Okay!

Avni nods. Neil kissed her cheek.

Neil : I love you! Bye!

Avni : I love you too! Bye!

Neil gave her another peck and taking his bag he left. Avni signed and we when to washroom taking her clothes.

While in Manan room. Manik was setting his hair when Nandini woke up. She saw Manik ready in office wear then saw time. She freaked out seeing the time. Manik saw her from the mirror.

Manik : you woke up! Good morning!

Nandini : Manik why didn't you woke me up. I'm late!

Manik looked at her then walked to her. He sat on bed and held her hand.

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