Chapter 21

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Avni parked car front of khanna house. All got out and went inside. They saw their parents sitting expect from Neil. They moved to them and took sit.
Seeing them both parents looks at them.

Prakash : manik where is Neil? Didn't he come with you?

Manik: Neil hasn't reached home yet.

Hearing him elders looks confuse while avni was tensed knowing he hasn't reached home yet. Nandini held her hand and give assure.

Swetha : call him.

Manik nods and starts calling but his phone went unreachable.

Manik : his phone is not reaching. I will check him.

Prakash nods. Manik got up to see Neil when he saw Neil entering inside. Neil looked but Manik hugged him.

After breaking hug Neil looks at Manik.

Manik : I am sorry.

Neil : why you saying sorry? What happened? Did I miss something!

Manik : you haven't missed anything. Where did you go. You made us worried.

Neil now understood why Manik hugged suddenly.

Neil : bhai I am fine. Actually I want one of my friend house.

Manik : couldn't you inform us.

Neil : sorry!

While they were having own conversation while elder were confuse seeing Manik and Neil like that. Avna admired them.

Manik : come lets go.

Neil nods and went to his parent. He sat beside Swetha and kept his head in her lap. Swetha ruffled his hair. Manik smiled seeing them and sat beside his dad. Mehta smiled seeing them.

Breaking their cute moment of mother and son Prakash spoke something which made both couple look at each other.

Prakash : Beta we both want to say what have you thought about marriage?

Elders were hoping they would agree.
Neil looked at avni same with Manik. Both brothers looked at each then at their parents. Neil got up from Swetha lap and sat straight.

Neil and Manik looks at avna who was looking them and asked if they want share it to which they nodded.

Manik : we are ready but..

Swetha : but what Manik?

Neil : maa we need to know each other before getting married.

Elders looks at each other first then children.

Swetha : what about avni and Nandini?

Avna looks at their parents Then at Swetha.

Avni : anutie even we ready but we need to time.

Sewtha nods.

Neela : how long you both want?

Neil : aunty we will let you guys know we are ready to get married.

Neela nods.

Prakash : take time much as you all want.

Swetha: Neil why did you came late?

Neil : mom i went my friend house.

Swetha : how come?

Neil : come on mom why so many question.

Swetha : don't talk to me!

She went to kitchen while Neil looks at his dad for help.

Prakash : sorry but I can't do anything.

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