Chapter 46

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A week passed since Neil accident took place. Neil has recovered too. Everyone is busy with their work. Manik is also trying to find out the person who planned the accident. Things were all good between avneil but between manan there was still not going well. This Neil accident happened Nandini is feared thinking he harmed Neil because of her.

She has distanced herself from Manik. Manik is so much engrossed find the clue of the Person that he didn't noticed Nandini behaviour but he knows she need turns her past which he is going to her.

Manik knows she has soft corner for him but doesn't accept as her past comes between them. Manik is giving his best to make Nandini believe nothing will happen he always be there for her.

About avneil there case is quite different. Avni most time finds to visit Neil. They would talk late in night. Both are fog addicted with each other now. They both living their life each other support.

It was another day before Neil birthday. Tomorrow it's Neil birthday. Family planned small party with Themselves for Neil.

Avni was sleeping in her room when her phone rang. She opened her eye and stretched her hand to get the hold of her Phone. She looked at the caller name and smiled.

Avni : hello mr!

Caller : hello you too! What are you doing?

Avni : sleeping but your phone Broke my sleep.

Caller : aww my cutie! Listen I called you to let you know i busy all day so I won't be able to receive your call. Sorry beforehand.

Avni smiled.

Avni : it's okay Neil! I understand. Even I got night shift today so I won't be able to call you at night.

Neil : what? Why night shift?

Avni : Neil its emergency case.

Neil : ok! I will wait until next morning then.

Avni : sorry! Have you left for office?

Neil : no just leaving now!

Avni : ok! Neil you go to your office even I need to leave.

Neil : bye!

Avni : bye!

Avni cuts call and saw time. She bit her lip seeing the time and kept her phone back to the table. She stood up went to fresh up.

She had cold showery and came out in her bathrobe. She moved to Closet and picked her dress and wore it. She moved to dressing Table and starts brushing her hair. She left her hair open and smiled.

Once she was done she looks at her phone. She opened her phone and saw miscall.

She quickly dialled the number. From other side someone picked it up.

Avni : hello!

Someone: it't all ready! You just come on time.

Avni : thank you so much. Don't know what i have done without you. Thank you. I love you.

Someone : I love you too. And it's my duty to help you out. Achha listen I am getting call from someone so talk to you later.

Avni : bye! Thank you once agin.

She cuts the phone and smiled herself. Avni took her stuff and left for hospital. She knew Nandini was already there so she went directly hospital.

While other side Neil was in Conference room along with Manik. It was time for other client to come. Neil was nervous as it was his first meeting with Foreigner client. Manik could sense his nervousness. Manik stood from his seat and went to Neil.

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