Chapter 66

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Next morning Manik woke early and went to kitchen to make himself coffee when Nandini walks in. Seeing each other both smiled.

Nandini : good morning!

Manik: good morning! How come you Early?

Nandini : I'm always early unlike you.

Manik : what do you mean?

Nandini : Neil told me how early you wake.

Manik : this boy will reveal my secrets too.

Nandini laughed and moved to sink. She filled glass of water and gulped it down. Manik made his coffee and stars sipping.

Manik : you want coffee!

Nandini : I don't drink coffee!

Manik : are you serious! You don't drink coffee.

Nandini : yeah. What's bad in that!

Manik : you won't get it!

Nandini : if you explain then i can!

Manik : leave it! You want to eat something.

Nandini : I will make breakfast for all of us.

Manik : I'll help you!

Nandini : okay!

Manik kept his cup down after finishing at and starts helping Nandini to make breakfast. While other our lovely couple were still sleeping.

In Neil's room Neil was sleeping on his stomach when his Phone rang. He got up and took his Phone and saw Avni calling him. He frowned thinking why she called him. Chucking his thoughts he picked it.

Neil : good morning!

Avni : what good morning?

Neil: why so moody today? You okay!

Avni : you asking me if I'm okay. Neil how could you forget i had important surgery today.

Neil : sorry sorry it slipped over my mind. Are you ready!

Avni : yes! Come to guest room now!

Neil : okay!

He threw his phone and walks out his room.

Neil : shit she will kill today. God why you Always trouble me?

He reached and knocked. Avni pulled him inside.

Neil : let's go!

Avni : like this! You looks like joker! I am not going like this with you.

Neil : hahaaha! Very funny! How do you look like when you wake up. Listen it will take me half hour to get ready so why you don't you go with Manik Bhai.

Avni : is he ready!

Neil : yes even he got meeting early today.

Avni : okay let's see him.

Neil nods and both moved to hall but found no one. Neil smelled food aroma and could guessed it's was coming from kitchen.

Neil looks at avni who was looking towards pool side.

Neil : Avni I think Bhai is in kitchen.

Avni looks at him.

Avni : how do you know?

Neil : can you smell Aroma of food.

Avni sniff and nodded.

Neil : come let's see mr Chef is cooking.

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