Chapter 36

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Mukti and vidhi ( vidyut and Juhi) were sitting and enjoying the view of the beach. They knew Avneil were not them but decided to let them spend time with others.

While Avneil were siting near the sea. The cold water were touching their feet as their have kept their leg in water. Avni head was resting on Neil shoulder. Their hands were entwined with each other. Both were watching the sea wave when Avni looks at Neil.

Avni : Neil!

Neil turns his face towards Avni and looks at her.

Neil : hmm!

Avni : have you never dated girl?

Neil : I haven't! I always search for my soulmate who will love me more than herself. I wanted girl who would love my family as hers. For me she will accept whoever belongs in my family. And I think i have already found someone as I wanted.

He looks at her.

Avni : who?

Neil : a girl is sitting front of me! Yes it you Avni. I find all the qualitly In you as I wanted my Partner to have. I know Avni we haven't expressed our feeling or maybe haven't realised but i am sure you the one who will shine for me and my family.

Hearing him tears couldn't stop. Before tear could fall Neil wiped it and nods no.

Neil : my words not meant make you cry Avni. Don't cry! This moment we should spent happily not with tears.

Avni nods he kissed her forehead.

While other side Nandini was still sleeping when Manik walks inside the room and sat beside her. He kissed her forehead and wiped the dried tears.

He was watching her when he heard his phone beeping. His phone was silent. He took his phone out and saw Neil message.

" bhai how is your headache? And how is bhabhi, Avni told us She wasn't well. We will be back soon! Take care"

Manik smiled seeing Concern and was feeling proud to have younger brother like Neil.

He replied back " I am fine Neil so is Nandini. You guys don't worry. Don't worry about us you all enjoy there. Tell Avni not to take tension"

He thought Avni would be worry for Nandini not unknowing Avni was the one who suggested Nandini to stay and share her past with Manik.

After messaging Neil back he kept his phone on aside table and saw Nandini stirring in sleep. He held her hand.

Manik: Nandini!

Nandini slowly opened her eyes and looks at Manik. She tried getting up but failed. Manik saw this so he helped to sit. He kept pillow behind her back.

Manik : you okay!

Nandini nods.

Manik : you can share it!

Nandini looks at him.

Nandini : will you leave me after knowing I wa almost rapped by Someone.

Manik : what you think i am that low! No Nandini I don't care what happened in your past. I only want focus on us. No past can comes between us. Nandini I know it hard to move on from past and I will support Much time you need.

Nandini hugged him tightly and sobbed. Manik rubbed her back and kissed her hair.

Manik : sshh! Don't cry! We can't change what already has happened but think about our beautiful present and future. Don't ruin the happiness which is waiting for you. You are strong girl. Don't cry!

Nandini tightened the hug. She stopped crying but she was sniffing bit. Manik broke hug and wiped her tears.

Manik : want take fresh air!

Nandini nods no!

Manik : Neil messaged saying they will be back soon.

Nandini : I ruined their plan.

Manik : you haven't! Neil was worried for you. Talk to him.

Nandini nods. Manik saw time and saw it's was almost afternoon.

Manik : Nandini I have meeting around 3 so i have to Leave. Neil will be back others by that time.

Nandini : how long is the meeting?

Manik : two hours. I will be back soon! You don't cry after I leave.

Nandini nods.

Manik : I will fresh up. Even you fresh up.

Nandini nods and goes to her room. While Manik moved to washroom. After being fresh up he went down wearing his office wear. He went to kitchen and drank some water. He was going to take apple when he heard laughing sound. He kept the apple and went to see in the hall.

He saw everyone coming back. He smiled seeing their happy face. He walks to Them.

Manik : had fun guys!

Others stops laughing and turns to Manik.

Avni : bhai how is your headache?

Manik : much Better, all thanks to your ginger tea.

Avni smiled hearing him.

Manik: Neil you guys don't have plan in evening.

Neil : it's not decided it! Are you going somewhere?

Manik : meeting!

Neil nods.

Manik : muku you coming!

Mukti : yes Bhai. Give me 15 minutes I will get files.

Manik nods. Mukti left to her room. When she left she saw Nandini coming. She smiled at her and left. Nandini walked down to see everyone sitting down. Avni saw her coming down.

Avni : Di come sit!

Everyone gaze turned to Nandini. Nandini came and sat beside Avni. Avni whispered to Nandini.

Avni : all okay!

Nandini : yeah all good. Don't worry I am fine.

Avni lightly hugged her. Soon mukti came with File.

Mukti : Bhai shall we leave!

Manik : hmm! Let's go!

He left taking one glance of Nandini with mukti. Neil looks at avni who still hugged Nandini.

Neil : bhabhi are fine now.

Nandini : I am! Not worry!

Neil smiled at her. Avni too smiled at him.

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