Chapter 25

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Neil was working on his laptop when he heard knock. He kept his gaze on laptop and allowed the person in.

Neil waited to him/ her to say something but didn't. So he looked up and saw Juhi standing with angry glares. Neil gulped down and got to and walked to her. He put his hand around her shoulder.

Neil : I am sorry dear!

Juhi kept glaring him.

Juhi : why sorry? Actually I should be sorry.

Neil : don't say that! I know it's my fault. I should have took you with me but you should try to understand.

Juhi moves his hand from her shoulder and looks at him.

Juhi : what should I understand Bhai. I know you Gave me holiday but how could you think you will allowed to shout at staff.

Neil turns his face.

Juhi : don't turn.what should we do with your anger? Its was great you called me here but when I came I heard everyone talking about you being so angry past few days. Why?

Neil : I wasn't angry Juhi. It's just...

Juhi cut him off in middle.

Juhi: it's that I wasn't there. You could have called me but no you only want shout at them. Even Manik Bhai or mukti didn't tell me.

Neil held her hand made her sit on couch.

Neil : sorry I couldn't disturb when you got holiday after so long. Even viduyt Was here so thought not call you. Sorry!

Juhi : you don't need to say sorry but Bhai next time call me when you need me. Okay!

Neil : okay!

Juhi stood up and was going to leave when Neil called her name. She turns and looks at him.

Neil : could you bring my coffee!

Juhi nods and leaves. Neil sat back and starts working on his laptop.

While in music office Manik was waiting for manger to come. After few minutes later the manger walks in and smiles at Manik. Manik got up and handshake with him.

Manger : shall we proceed!

Manik nods. Manger leads Manik to recording room. Manik goes inside recording room and closed his eye and starts singing.

It's took half hour to record the song. Manik came out the room who was pulled in hug by the manger. Manger broke hug.

Manger : you have such soulful voice. Great job Manik.

Manik : thank you sir. It's was my brother credit. He is one who pushed me to come here.

Manger smiled at him.

Manger : you lucky to have him.

Manik : we both lucky to have each other.

Manger : we should decide when this should release.

Manik : sir I think it's should be better if you decide.

Manger : how about this Friday then plus we can have grand party on this.

Manik : sure sir!

Manger : Manik if you don't mind then could you forward me your brother number as I want ask him something.

Manik : sure sir.

Manik gave manger Neil number and left for office after saying bye to him. While manger walks to his cabin and called Neil.

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