Chapter 30

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It's was almost evening when Neil Manik wrapped of their works. Neil was already called from Kushi saying everything is ready.
Neil after making some calls moved to Manik cabin.

Neil : Bhai are you done!

Manik : just five more minutes.

Neil nods and waited. Manik finished texted mail to one of Client and looks at Neil. He walked to Neil.

Manik : shall we leave now!

Neil gave smile and nods, both moved out the office while carrying their blazer on left arm. Neil sat in driver sir while Manik took passenger sit. Neil started the Car when Manik phone rang. Both brother called at each other then Manik took his phone out of his pocket. Neil didn't see the caller name as he focused his gaze on road.

Manik kept his phone near his ear. He was going to speak but confuse hearing Avni voice.

Avni : bhai don't take my name. It's me Avni. This is my new number. Tell me is Neil with you.

Being already scared Manik looks at will then looked at the front.

Manik : yes!

Avni : thank you Bhai!

Manik got confuse why Avni thanked him.

Manik : why thank you?

Avni : just feel like To say thank you.

Manik : don't you think you behaving strange like him.

Neil didn't focused on what Manik was saying because he was still thinking about Avni.

Avni : what do you mean?

Manik : even he is behaving Strange today.

Avni : maybe he is stress!

Manik : maybe but what happened to your old phone.

Avni : it not working properly.

Manik : does he know!

Avni : he does!

Manik : i will call you later.

Avni : okay bye!

Manik : bye!

Manik cuts call and looks at Neil who he driving and being lost. He kept his hand on shoulder. Feeling touch Neil turns his head and looks at Manik.

Manik : where are you lost?

Neil : nothing Bhai.

Manik: you can share it!

Neil : it's fine Bhai!

Manik didn't hugged him more as he knew Neil won't say it.

Neil stopped car front of Khanna house. Manik got out while Neil parked the car. After parking Car Neil walked to Manik who was waiting. Neil gave smile to Manik who returned the smile.

Neil before walking forward secretly took his phone out and message kushi about them coming inside.

Neil : Bhai lets go and yeah walk slow!

Manik got confuse but still walked as Neil said. Seeing this Neil smiled. Manik ringed the bell but no one opened it. Manik looks at Neil.

Manik : why they ain't opening door?

Neil : Bhai give little push, it will open!

Manik nods and does as Neil said. He opened the door but couldn't see anything. Neil slowly walked inside without letting Manik know.

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