Chapter 8

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Next day Neil met vidyut and convinced him to go back to India with Manik. It's was difficult for vidyut to leave Neil alone here. Vidyut knew Neil will be shatter in hearing news of his first company got destroyed. He remembered how Neil and him worked hard to build This company. It was their first first company together. Vidyut always consider Neil more than friend.

Neil and vidyut are best friends but they kept their professional life first then personal.
Last night Neil send Manik and vidyut back to India and told them not inform anything to Juhi. Both understood and promised to kept secret.

After sending them back to India Neil went back to hotel and slept taking tablet for his headache.

While next morning Neil woke up again with his heavy head. He ignored his health and got ready and left to speak to manger.

In India.

Manik informed what happened why Neil was angry that day. He also informed them about Neil would stay there for two weeks. Vidyut reached home and surprised Juhi. She was shocked first then she was happy to see him back.

Two weeks passed when Neil shorted his problem in Canada. Neil was coming back today. Neil informed Manik about him coming today.

Neil reached home and went straight to his room. He took shower and went to his parent. He saw his parents sitting down and talking. He went sat beside Swetha and kept his head in her lap. Swetha creased his hair.

Swetha : are you okay tillu!

Neil nods.

Praksh : Neil is everything fine now!

Neil : yes dad, they construct it again. I have told jay to handle it.

Praksh : Neil?

Neil : yes dad!

Praksh : beta I am going to Pune for three weeks so you both have to handle business here.

Neil : dad is things well there!

Praksh : it is, you remember mr malthore. I have meeting with him.

Hearing malthore his mind to Avni.

Neil : dad can I ask you something!

Praksh nods.

Neil : dad you know few weeks back bhia met malthore Daughter and she was she knows us very well but we don't know anything about her.

Praksh : when did Manik met their daughter. I don't know about how she knows us. Even I haven't them yet.

At the same time Manik entered. Seeing Neil he smiled. Neil sat up. Manik reached and hugged Neil.

Manik : you okay!

Neil nods.

Manik : what discussing was going on.

Neil : I was telling dad about avni malthore.

Manik : what about her?

Praksh : leave all this but tell me you both are you guys ready to settle down!

Neil : as in what?

Swetha : means marriage!

Neil : dad honestly I haven't find anyone so no.

Swetha and Praksh nods.

Praksh : what about you Manik?

Manik : I am also searching for her.

Swetha : you guys continue i will make food.

All three men's nods. Praksh informed Manik about him leaving to Pune.

In malthore house.
Similar discussing was going one but one least bothered. Avni saw Nandini who cared less.

Avni : Di don't you won't to get married?

Nandini : will that ever happen!

Saying that she left. While others looks at her.

Neela : she can't forget that incident.

Avni : maa can't di move on!

Neela : we want too but those incident won't let her live.

Avni : maa should plan something with Riya as she is Mumbai.

Neela : if it's light her mood then you go ahead.

Avni nods. She thought of something and smiled to herself.

Get ready for their meeting. Let's see what will happen when they meet.

Votes are still less but now I give up. I have decide for others stories after September I will be giving target then will update.
As I am getting request to update others stories so I decided to update one chapter for each stories. I have already gave chapter to:

1) arrange marriage
2) mr and Mrs Khanna
3) being love with superstar.
4) journey of us.

By this Sunday I will try update those which you request but please don't request which I already updated. I don't want update them because of less votes. I might update them in Between but can't promise.

Will update lived happily Forever tomorrow.

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