Chapter 52

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Avni was reading file when someone Knocked. Avni allowed the person and saw peon walking. She closed her file and looks at him.

Avni : didn't I asked you to be with pari.

Peon: ma'am I was with pari but Senior doctor wants you.

Avni : you go, I will see sir!

He nodded and left there. Avni thought why is he calling her. Chunking her thought she walked out of her cabin and stood front of senior doctor cabin. She knocked and waited for him reply. After getting positive reply Avni walks in.

Avni stood front and called his name.

Avni : sir?

He looks at her.

Senior: hello dr Avni. I wanted to know if you both sister are interested doing your job or not.

Avni : sir what you mean? Off course we are!

He chuckles.

Senior: I don't think so. Do you have any ideas where is your sister?

Avni got confuse hearing him.

Avni : sir I am not getting you.

Senior: dr Avni dr Nandini didn't attend her patient. You know the patient condition how critical was. If i didn't took over it then we would have lost. I know you both are getting married but what's Doesn't mean to be careless. This is warming to both of you. Now you leave and make call to Nandini.

Avni : sorry sir!

She left the cabin thinking where Nandini could be. Avni walks to receptionist.

Avni : did you see dr Nandini coming.

Rec: no ma'am!

Avni : thank you. And please cancel my appointments today.

Rec : okay ma'am.

Avni leaves the hospital and drove straight Khanna industrial.

She reached there and ran inside the office. She didn't cared what people would think about her but she needed someone who console her. She reached at the receptionist.

Avni : is Neil Khanna in any meeting.

Rec: no ma'am in fact sir didn't come today. It's only big sir and Manik sir here today.

Avni was getting worried for Neil and Nandini now. Without listening to receptionist avni ran to Manik cabin. Without knocking she walked inside and saw Manik with few clients. Clients looks at her. While Manik stood up and went to her and wrapped his arms around avni shoulder as he saw some clients looking at her with bad eye.

Manik without turning to client he spoke.

Manik : could you please leave us.

Clients left the cabin. Once they left Avni hugged him tightly. Seeing her crying it's pained his heart. Avni wasn't only Nandini sister to him but Avni made special place in his heart. He took her to his chair and made her sit down.

He gave her glass of water and Avni drank it one go. Manik moved files and sat on the desk.

Manik : why did you ran? And what's happened?

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